Monday, August 8, 2011

The Weapon & the Chef Hat

We had invited our life group friends Jeff & Ginger and their soon-to-be-two year-old to come over for dinner on Thursday, July 28. Since I was still feeling down & out, we decided just to keep it simple and grab pizza, with grapes and sun chips and carrots & dip. I also thought it would be nice to have dessert, so I asked the boys if they'd like to help me make brownies. They were both anxious to help! So I got everything out and we all put on our aprons (and they also donned their chef hats).
Joshua kept talking about his "weapon." At first I didn't know what he was trying to say. I thought maybe he was talking about my little skinny scraper (pictured above). He's not usually so into weapons, so I wasn't sure what was going on.
Each one took turns dumping in the ingredients into a bowl (these are so easy from the box - Caleb dumped in the mix, Joshua dumped in the oil, Caleb dumped in the water, Joshua dumped in the eggs) and then they took turns helping me mix it up. I poured it into the pan to bake then, and each one got to lick the batter off a beater.
When we were finished, Joshua said "Mommy, now that we're done cooking, can I take my 'weapon' and chef hat off?" I realized the entire time he had been asking about his APRON and calling it a 'weapon.' I laughed and laughed at my silly Bean! Yes, I said, go for it! He helped put them back where they belonged. He is a great helper! So is my little Caleb Luke!
The Housers didn't stay too long (which was great for getting the kids to bed) but we enjoyed dinner and the company. :) And the brownies were probably the best I've ever tasted. :) :) :)

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