Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Petting Zoo & Fruit Stand Too

On Friday, August 12, Shawn called in sick for the first time in a LONG time. He looked terrible the night before (as I had mentioned previously) and was up all night hacking up a lung. He slept downstairs to try and keep us from waking up all night, and I felt terrible for him... he seemed to be in so much pain as he coughed and he was so worn out. I thought maybe he was trying to keep more upright in the recliner to breathe better, but then I saw that he eventually moved to the couch. And I realized that Ryan was in bed with me. I fell asleep nursing him and slept so hard that I didn't even recognize he was there, which startled me. I put him right to bed after his next feeding.

Anyway, I knew Daddy needed to rest. And, just in case he didn't have the same cold Joshua had experienced, I also didn't necessarily want the boys in his face. So, I called Mamaw to see if she'd like to come with us to the petting zoo. She said sure and met at our house, where we all climbed in the minivan, except for my sick hubby who stayed at home to work on work stuff (sigh) and sleep. Mamaw & the older boys are pictured above in front of the donkey.
Joshua LOVES to feed the ducks. But there was an entire group of elderly folks that pulled in in a bus in front of us and then another group of what looked like daycare kids that came after us. Both groups had their own bread when signs everywhere say "feeder food only" for the safety of the animals. With all those people there, it wasn't nearly as fun as normal. But, the boys still enjoyed it. They let the goats eat the feeder food out of their hands (which is a whole whopping quarter - why people ignore the signs is beyond me!). Then we looked at the other animals that were there - the bunnies, the pig, the deer, the turkey, etc. And eventually we found some ducks who were hungry. :) Many of the animal cages were empty that morning, which I've never seen before. And I've also never seen so many people there at one time. Such is life! It's still a nice place to take kiddos.
On the way there, we stopped at the little Amish lady's fruit stand - but she was already sold out of watermelon (which she sells for $1 each). Bummer! So, I went to the stand down the street a little bit. They had watermelons for $1.50 (although I don't think they were quite as good tasting as the $1 variety) and cantaloupes for .25 (only these were seconds rather than just normal price). We also bought some of their homemade whole wheat bread, which tastes amazing. And I bought a big thing of peaches for around $1 which were seconds. I threw out as many as I kept, but it was enough to make my Grandma's peach pudding recipe in a 9 x 13 casserole dish. That night, we also ate corn on the cob, fresh tomatoes and red-skinned potatoes from that stand (at least the boys & I did) along with grilled chicken. YUM!
After we were done at Hayloft Candles, we stopped at AC Moore. But alas, Ryan was hungry and ready to go home. He also didn't love the STUPID carts there that didn't fit his car seat. I had to turn him around backwards and shove it down in, and he was still in an awkward position. So, we didn't stay more than five minutes or so. The boys each picked out a new easy reader book that Mamaw bought them (thanks so much!). I'll have to go another time to look at crafts to do with the kiddos.
We were going to head to the park from there, but with Ryan waking up, we headed home instead. I fed the boys and got them to their naps in hopes of giving Daddy more time to rest. Thanks for coming along for a morning out, Mamaw!

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