Monday, August 29, 2011

A Sleepy Tale of a Schnookie-Lou

On Friday August 26, Ryan Josiah slept through the night for the first (and only so far!) time. I woke up around 5ish and realized he hadn't eaten in nine hours, which concerned me. By 5:45 am, I woke him up to eat. He had motored all around his crib - he was laying the opposite direction at the opposite end of the crib than where I laid him down. Unfortunately, I didn't go to bed after I had fed him the previous night. Daddy & I stayed up to watch some TV and spend quality time together. So, I didn't get to bed until after 11 pm. I feared that maybe I just missed his crying - I was SO beat! Shawn asked if I heard him put Caleb back to bed twice that night. I had missed it all. Shawn said he heard Ryan a few times fussing just a little but never outright crying. I missed that, too. But, I think I would have heard him if he was really hungry and crying loudly. So, he did great to get himself back to sleep! I was SO happy with him. He was all smiles that morning when I changed his diaper, so he wasn't too upset that he hadn't eaten throughout the night.

Two nights before then, I woke up to Caleb screaming in his sleep, "No thank you, JOSH!" I went in, expecting to see Joshua up with Caleb, but both boys were completely asleep. It startled me! The next night, in the middle of the night, Caleb screamed out "NIGHT-NIGHT, PAPAW!" This time I knew that Papaw was not in our house, so I rolled back over and Caleb went back to sleep. But, that Friday night, I missed Caleb coming over and Shawn taking him back, not once but twice.

Thank you, Ryan, for letting Mama sleep! I so enjoy snuggling you at night, but I enjoy it even more during the day when I'm well rested. Love you!

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