Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy 59-months, Joshua Douglas Good!

I posted on facebook a little while ago: "Do you ever feel like someone has hit the fast forward button on life and you'd rather hit the pause instead?" That rings so true for me lately. How is it that my beautiful boy only has one month left of his fourth year of life? He is SO excited to turn the BIG NUMBER 5 (as he says it). I remember turning five; it feels like just yesterday in some ways and yet life is flying by faster and faster.

Joshua will be returning to preschool in the fall, and he is super excited for it. He has been working on things that we've asked him to do to get ready for school, including buttoning his own shirts and being more conscious of not dropping everything to go potty. He's been doing well!

Joshua has also been working on sounding out words and is starting to string them together. I love to see when he's enthusiastic about reading.
Joshua loves to look at the clock to tell time. In fact, he won't go to bed unless it says that it's at least 8 and typically over the summer it's been 9. So, we advanced his clock by an hour to try and get them to go to bed sooner. It hasn't worked, but Joshua caught onto us. He said that his clock was faster than the clocks in the rest of the house and needs to be fixed by Daddy. He's too smart for his own good! ;-)

The thing that I continue to love about Joshua is his gentle spirit. He isn't mean or rough with other kids. While many boys are aggressive, he is patient and kind. He reminds me of his Daddy that way - Shawn is SO strong (he even accidentally broke a guy's ribs when he wrestled in high school) but he would never intentionally hurt anyone. Joshua has a very sweet and sensitive spirit even though he is all boy. Along those same lines, he is such a great big brother! He legitimately cares when Ryan is crying or just playing on the floor. Joshua will go up and try to make him smile and talk to him. He loves the baby! Shawn & I both think it is so sweet.

I also love to hear Joshua sing. And the expressions he comes up with lately are hilarious! We think he is so funny and such a ham.

Finally, Joshua is a huge helper. He cleans up after himself and often after his younger brother at times. He enjoys things being neat and orderly, and he knows where all the toys go. He likes to help the mama and enjoys the praise we give him for helping us. He even gets out his toy vacuum cleaner to vacuum the floors behind us.

There is so much more I could write, but this will suffice for now. I can't believe this is the last month my oldest boy will ever be 4-years-old. When I post again about his growth, he will be 5! Insane. But, I'm SO thankful that he's healthy and growing, so I'll just appreciate each moment we spend together. I love you, Joshua!

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