Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Ryan turned two months old on Sunday, August 7. These pictures were taken that day. At two months (or today on Tuesday, August 9), Ryan's stats are:
Weight: 13 lbs 9 oz - 87.45%
Height: 23.5" - 70.5%
Head Circumference: 15.16" - 17.34%
Ryan has been doing very well overall. He has a blocked tear duct that started last Saturday (July 30) which makes his right eye appear goopy. But, the doctor confirmed it's not an infection and simply a blocked duct that needs to open. Please pray that it opens on its own and doesn't require any special surgery from the physician!
Speaking of eyes, I'm still concerned about Ryan's vision. The doctor today tried to get him to track sounds and light, and he did every once in awhile but for the most part didn't bother. Dr. Noori said it could just be that he's not interested - it's hard to tell at two months. If we're still concerned, we can go to a pediatric ophthalmologist, but she warned that it's difficult to gauge at two months. Her exact words were "I'm not concerned about his vision at this point." She said we'd check again at four months and to work on tracking - he may just be behind in that area. BUT, if we are concerned and would like to send him for vision tests, he couldn't hurt and it doesn't hurt to wait either. So, we'll see! And hopefully he sees!
By four months, Ryan should be rolling. It gives me something to work on with him. Although, he already goes to his side immediately when on his belly, so I don't think it should be an issue. :) I love my pudgy little guy! I love his smile and his big cheeks and double chin. Even the pediatrician noted that he looks much bigger than the last time she saw him. :) The outfit he's wearing in these pictures says "If you think I'm cute, you should see my Daddy." It's a 6-9 month that Joshua was given (that said, it ran a little small as I recall, so I'm glad I got it out for Ryan now).
Ryan is staying awake more during the day than before. He loves his birdie mat (that Joshua & Caleb both enjoyed as a baby). He also enjoys his big brothers, I think.
Ryan did sleep two nights in a row where he only woke up twice to nurse and slept well in between. It was HEAVENLY! The last two days, he's had difficulty eating during the day (he keeps having huge burps in between and then struggles to eat until he gets them out, and at times loses interest altogether) - which keeps him up constantly throughout the night to get more calories into his belly. I'm tired today, but I'm happy that he's sleeping relatively well by himself in between feedings in his own bed again! He's enjoying his crib, and I sleep so much better when he's not in our room (either in our bed or in the pack 'n play).
During the day, Ryan typically eats between 2.5 hours (normal) to occasionally 3 hours in between feedings. He also has tons of wet and dirty diapers throughout the day - everything seems to work properly! :) He smiles when he feels like it and still cries to be put down throughout the day, but he's not as fussy as he used to be. I can definitely see him growing and getting older. When the boys were in Bible school (which I still need to post about), Shawn & I took advantage of having time together to go out to eat, and Ryan has been an ANGEL while we're out and about. The one night he was awake and we feared that he wouldn't last, but he did fine in his car seat while we enjoyed ourselves at an outdoor dining place.

I must say that I can't believe my baby is already two months old. It has gone by so quickly! Please don't grow up too fast on me Ryan Josiah! I want to enjoy every moment of your baby stage!

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