Monday, August 15, 2011

Taking Turns

I was trying to get a picture of the boys together, and until I got Caleb next to Joshua, Ryan decided he wanted NOTHING to do with the camera anymore - go figure!

The morning of August 10, I put this as my status on facebook: 
Last night Ryan was up once again at 3 am to eat; I got back to bed by 3:45. Then Caleb came in our room at 4 am wanting 'snuggles.' He went back to bed by 4:30. Ryan woke up again at 5:15 and fell back to sleep by 5:45, about the time that Joshua came out of his room proclaiming "GOOD MORNING!" Yeah, it's a caffeine-and-hopefully-nap kind of day. Thankfully, I love my kids much more than I love my sleep.

I was SO tired that morning, and we were meeting Grandpa Georgia for breakfast. I would have liked more sleep, but again, I know this is only for a season. Since then, Ryan has only woken up once or twice a night and slept well in between and the other boys haven't kept us awake either. I joked about them taking turns to keep us going crazy. But I love each one of them and would give up anything to enjoy time together. :)

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