Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lil' Swimmers

On Monday, July 18, Ryan went swimming for the first time. Here he is in his swim trunks and little terrycloth hooded shirt that matches.
That morning, I had my 6-week check-up at the OBGYN who gave me the 'all clear' that everything looks good and I can resume most normal activities (no exercising using your abs for another couple weeks, she warned). Otherwise, I was good to go! The appointment took a long time once again, even though I had called that morning to see if they were running on-time. Their version of "on time" and mine must be completely different. Anyway, while I was there, the older boys were hanging out with Mamaw.
When I got back, we all changed into our suits and headed to the pool. We were excited to swim! When we got there, I feared Ryan was going to be hot in his car seat in the stroller. So I took him out and brought him into the water with me for all of a few seconds. He screamed like I was trying to kill him (or freeze him!). The water was cool for how warm it was outside. But, that was all he needed to cool off. I put him back in his car seat on top of the stroller combo, and he fell back to sleep. So, I got to enjoy my time in the pool as well.
Joshua is doing great swimming with the noodle. He still doesn't like getting his head wet, but he is getting somewhat braver and will blow bubbles in the water and get parts of his head wet (just not dunk it the whole way under). Caleb will get his head wet but he also likes to run about and keep busy at the pool. There were some other little old ladies there (which is rare when we go! But I think we typically are there a little earlier in the day...), and they commented on this is the life - meaning that these ages of children are great and some said they wish they could go back again to when their children were little, etc. I agree that these ages are perfect. I wish I could freeze time to enjoy it all. I love my little boys and spending time with them!!! Each one is a gift. We had a great morning with Mamaw - thanks so much!!! And since this was the 18th of the month, it was another birthday day for Joshua, which I will post about separately.

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