Saturday, May 5, 2007

Reflection 2: You Are My Hero

No Hero, Real or Imagined, Can Compare to a Good Husband
Heroes can be found everywhere - running across the big screen in a movie theater, fighting their way through the covers of a history book or novel, even being lauded in the newspaper. You are the unsung opener of difficult jars, the fixer of squeaky stairs, and the killer of spiders. You'll leave a warm bed in the middle of the night to investigate because I heard a strange noise. You soldier on at your job to make sure I am taken care of. You are my protector, lover, and friend, someone I look to in times of trouble. Lois Lane can keep her Superman. You are all I need.

'There, under the shadow of a man's strength, a woman finds rest.' ~John Elredge

My beloved is all radiant and ruddy, distinguised among ten thousand. Song of Solomon 5:10

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