Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Are You Sitting?

Last night on the way home, Shawn said something (and I completely forget what now) and my brain was so fried that I said a mixture of "are you serious" and "are you kidding" to come blurting out of my mouth "are you sidding?" Shawn replied (he was driving) "I am sitting! I am!" We both laughed the whole way home.
We had been at Nonie & Poppy's house celebrating Shawn's & Poppy's birthdays with a cookout. Unfortunately, Joshua cried most of the night. He didn't feel good, I think. All day he had had gas - worse than I've ever seen before. Then he threw up his dinner while he was eating it (a new first.) I threw the rest out, and we still headed out because he didn't seem too terribly upset while we were at home, but I did tell Shawn to ask for his input since it was his family and his birthday celebration. Between the tummy ache and being overstimulated with the crowd, he wouldn't sleep even though he was rubbing his nose like crazy (his sign to tell us he's exhausted). After dinner, everyone headed outside to play badminton. I changed Joshua into some warmer clothes, and he and I played on the grass. He sat the whole time without swaying or falling once, even when Buddy the Puppy or his cousin Grant would come over to us. He was happy then, but when I took a turn at playing with the grown-ups, he screamed bloody murder. Shawn had been playing whack-a-mole with Jordon, but he took the Bean to try to feed him his bottle and get him to sleep. So, I got to enjoy more badminton (even though I haven't played in years and was terrible). Joshua, unfortunately, did not want to sleep. He LOVED seeing & playing with Mary Esmay, who had come along with Great Grandma & Grandpa Stoltzfus.Joshua finally calmed down in the car and was completely happy again at home. But, he woke up in the middle of the night screaming again. I went in around 3 a.m. and held him to go back to sleep. Not even an hour later he was screaming in pain again. This time when I walked into the room, I smelled something awful, so I changed his diaper...only to find out that he was only wet. Our poor Bean truly had a belly ache and a half, but he was soooo tired. I rocked with him for awhile but he didn't want to sleep. Finally, I put him back down in his crib since he had calmed down. Poor Joshua!
This morning he has dark circles under his eyes, so I expect that he'll take a nap soon. Today I'm watching Faith & Emma while Grace & Jen ride the school bus for the first time. I also talked to Mom this morning. Jamie started chemo & radiation yesterday, and so far he feels okay. He has both radiation (where they aim beams into his brain and 'zap' the bad cells along with the good) and chemo (a pill that he takes) everyday during the week for the next five weeks. Along with that, he has physical therapy and occupational therapy. If the radiation & chemo successfully shrinks the tumors, Jamie may be able to get more movement. However, if his brain adversely reacts to the treatments, the swelling on the brain - which is what causes his lack of movement - could worsen. He already can't use his arm and can barely walk, so please continue to pray for him and my mom.

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