Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Reflection 21: The Happiest Home is One Where Worry is Never Welcome

If We Focus on Trusting God and Encouraging Each Other, We Will Each Benefit and So Will Our Marriage.
Nothing good can be said about worry. It's an ugly customer that creates misery and havoc wherever it lodges. Worry has no bedtime; it will happily keep you up till all hours; it's never satisfied with simply robbing you of your sleep. It steels your joy and undermines your trust in God. It enjoys chipping away at good health and good relationships. It extends unhappiness and shortens tempers. Let's not allow worry to be a guest in our home. When it knocks on our door, let's direct it onto God. That way we'll be free to problem-solve, to focus on the good things in our life and what we have together. Let's keep our home happy by not letting worry in the door.

'Oh how great a peace and quietness would he possess who would cut off all vain anxiety and place all his confidence in God.' ~Thomas a Kempis

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

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