Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So What?

I realize that I start a lot of my conversations with "So..." I'll say "So...the other day I was...." One thing that made me realize this? Joshua started plopping down next to us and saying "So..." which made me giggle. Shawn would reply "So what?" Now Joshua says "So...so what?" Too funny!
This morning I gave him a choice for breakfast. I often give him choices and he doesn't typically respond (most of the time I don't think he has a preference). This morning, though, I asked him if he'd rather have waffles or 'hoops' (organic cheerios). He immediately replied "Faffles!" So, waffles it was!
Today was also a new first when he said "Now what?" when we were playing. I often say that to him to see if he'll find a new toy, etc. This time he was asking me. He's like a little adult!

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