Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Good Friday

This past Friday was one of the best days I've had in awhile. Joshua was happy literally all day. We giggled and had fun, playing on the floor with the baby next to us and doing other things. I vacuumed the carpets, chasing the Bean who squealed with delight. He followed me every where I went. When he ate and was sitting at the table, I mopped the entire first floor and downstairs (I had already swept them the day before). As he played on the sun porch, I scrubbed my entire kitchen in preparation of a day of cooking with my sister Becky yesterday - we made chicken cordon bleu, ham & scalloped potatoes, BBQ chicken, zesty pork chops, seasoned sirloin roast, and orange chicken & sweet potato casserole that we stuck in the freezer. When he napped, I wrote a small copy job and napped myself with Caleb. When he was interested in my attention, we had a great time. He was helpful and obedient and fun.
He got out both pairs of shoes and brought them to me. I asked him to put one pair back where he found them, thinking to myself "now, he doesn't understand what you just need to go show him." But, as I followed him to his room, he put his sneakers back on the shelf where he had gotten follow-up necessary. Wow!
During the day, we also worked on learning to clean up toys after we're finished playing with them. He was starting to get the concept a little. I would ask him to put Elmo back in his toy bin, and he immediately did. I asked him to put his shapes back in the bucket when he moved on to a new toy, and he did. He didn't understand what all the toys were, and he didn't initiate cleaning up on his own (yet!) but he did put things away when he was asked. It was a good start!
That night Daddy mowed the yard after work, I called Grandma (who was at Aunt Jen's house) to see if she wanted to go for a walk. So, Joshua & I met up with her, Jen and the four kids and we went for a walk to the park and walked around there. It was nice, and Joshua loves to be outside.
This past weekend we've also started time outs and have a place on each floor where he will sit for a minute if he defiantly disobeys or does something really wrong. So far, he's sat three times and it seems to be working. Overall, though, this entire weekend he's been such a good boy and such a joy to be around. He's smiled and said "Hi, Mama! Hi, baby! Hi, Bee-bup!" He's such a sweet boy. There are hard days being a mom...there are days you want to rip out your own hair...and then there are days like Friday and this weekend where you wouldn't trade your life for anyone else's for all the tea in China.

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