Friday, August 8, 2008

08.08.08 - Happy One Month Birthday, Caleb!

Today has certainly been full of crazy 8's! This morning Joshua's breathing seemed erratic, so I called the pediatrician to get him seen. I just couldn't tell if it's from his congestion or if it's turned into a lung issue, and I didn't want to overdose him on breathing treatments if it wasn't necessary. I already had a one-month well-baby check-up for Caleb at 10:40 a.m. and asked if Joshua's could be close to that. They had nothing available until the afternoon at the North Point office, so I asked about their second office, Kissel Hill. They had an 11:00 a.m. there with Dr. Hanna, who had seen him before for his breathing issues. I called Shawn to see if he could take off to take Joshua since I couldn't be in two places at once. He said it wasn't a problem so I called the office back and booked it with the same receptionist I had just talked to.
When Caleb & I arrived at North Point, the gal behind the desk told me that my appointment was with Dr. Hanna at 4:45 pm. Nope! Luckily, I had the card with me where they write the appointment time and doctor's name. He was to be seen there at 10:40 a.m. with Dr. Reilly. She said that this appointment was cancelled. I told her it wasn't cancelled but I had made another appointment for Joshua - my other son - with Dr. Hanna at 11:00 a.m. and my husband was on his way there with him now. She said that they were trying to "help" us and cancelled this one without telling us. By that point, I was annoyed and told her that their "help" wasn't needed and I was ready to see Dr. Reilly with Caleb. After waiting 20 minutes, we were taken back. Both doctors apologized to us, and poor Shawn had not a clue why. Ha! I think their doctors are among the best in the county, but I'm not sure they're receptionists/schedulers/some of the nurses should have made it past elementary school.
Anyway, Joshua has a bad cold but his lungs are fine. Dr. Hanna told Shawn that as he sounds like he's laboring to breath, go ahead and give him a treatment. This will most likely happen when he's too hot. Okay! (Please pray it doesn't get any worse!).
Meanwhile, Caleb weighs a whopping 9 lbs 13 oz and has jumped from the 50th percentile for height and weight up to the 75th. Wow! We no longer have to wake him to eat, and he can tell us when he's hungry. She did, however, strongly recommend that we not sleep with the baby and start getting him to soothe himself in his crib. Please pray that goes well! We can also start trying to give him a bottle of breast milk so that he's used to this when school starts the end of this month and Daddy has to give him one. Lastly, she noted that he still looks yellow, which I agreed. I told her that I've been calling and was told not to worry about it. She sent us for more bloodwork STAT and told us that one of her colleagues will call us with the results. They called and said that it was 13.2 last time and it's 10.4 this time, so it's coming down. Anything under 15 is considered okay, but I don't think there's supposed to be any.
Caleb is starting to smile (the picture below shows just a little grin...I snapped the picture too soon!). The doctor said he should be and should watch people and also pay attention to noises like talking and move to look and see what's going on. He should also be getting stronger and putting his head up, etc. So, I guess he's right on target!
Thus, both boys are doing well for the most part but can still use your prayers. Happy 8th day of the 8th month of the 8th year!

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