Monday, August 25, 2008

Potty Book

Joshua's intelligence amazes me more and more everyday. A couple days ago, he dug and dug through his book bin, looking for a specific book. I cracked up that he grabbed his potty book and ran into the family bathroom with it, reading it on his little potty! I assumed Shawn had recently read him the book since I hadn't picked it up in months. Shawn said he hadn't even seen the book in months - it had been buried underneath other favorites. So, even though Joshua hadn't heard this book in a loooong time, he remembered his potty book and associated it with his potty. I was impressed! I didn't have the camera ready to go that day, so I asked him to re-enact the event.Like I said, Joshua amazes us almost daily. On Saturday, Joshua had one of his t-shirts in our bedroom. Daddy asked him, "Why are you playing with a shirt?" so Joshua dropped it. I asked Joshua, "Can you please put your shirt back in your big boy room rather than leaving it on our bedroom floor?" I followed him into his room to make sure he did what I asked, and he did even better! He opened up his dresser drawer where his t-shirts belong, threw it in, and closed the drawer. I've never asked him to get a shirt out of there, nor have I ever asked him to put one back before. But, he knew where his shirts belonged.Then yesterday, he was playing with the little boy Evan from down the street again. The two were playing with a ball and Joshua tripped. Evan gently helped him back up (he is the sweetest little boy I think I've ever seen!) and asked Joshua if he should kiss his knee. Joshua understood the word 'kiss' and puckered up his lips and leaned down to Evan, who looked like a deer in headlights. Haaaa! He gave him a quick kiss and they continued to play. I was highly amused!Saturday morning the Smoketown Airport had a Mission Aviation Fair. If you've ever seen the movie "End of the Spear," the special speaker was the son of the missionary who was killed by the natives after he created an airplane and the 'drop' method of getting supplies to native people. They had airplane rides, helicopter rides, little tike barrel rides, air balloons, ice cream, and different booths of information about missions. The emcee of the event asked me how old my baby was, and I told him six weeks. He then asked Joshua if he was the big brother, and gave him a soccer ball with "Jesus Loves Me" written in a ton of different languages. He said that he "won" the ball for being the big brother of the smallest baby there.The funny thing was, I ran into a friend of my sister Becky's. She was also wearing a baby strapped to her in a snuggli. I asked her about her son, and she said that his name was Caleb and he was born on 7/7/08, or the day before our Caleb. Wow! I've now heard of more than three babies named Caleb, and it was a name I hadn't heard much before.Joshua was a little overwhelmed at the fair with all the people, so we didn't stay too long. He enjoyed our little picnic better, where he had a front-row seat. Hope you enjoy the pictures of him on the potty reading his potty book! I guess he's ready!!!

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