Monday, September 5, 2011

What Do You Do, On a Rainy Day, in an Ark?

Friday morning, I breathed a sigh of relief. All week we had been busy. REALLY busy. I knew that Friday morning I wanted to do nothing but play with my boys. I felt like they needed more mama time, and I needed more boys play time. Since it was gloomy out, I decided a blanket tent was in order.
I threw blankets up between the bar stools in the kitchen and our dining room, and we played inside with flash lights.
We started telling stories, but then it was time for Ryan to eat. So, I sat outside the tent on the sofa and suggested that we make it an ark since it was raining. They readily agreed and went and got all their animals to play in the ark. From outside it, I asked them questions about the story of Noah and told them more details about it. They enjoyed the story time and then went back to playing in their "ark" with their animals.
Soon enough, Joshua told me that his ark is as fast as a jet plane and is taking them to "Phila-DORF-ia" to the "Please Touch Museum." He has a fantastic memory and LOVED that place! I'm glad we went there on vacation. :)
Later that day we colored pictures, read books, and tore the house apart. I didn't make them stop to clean up because I just wanted to let them relax and have fun.
It was a nice day!

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