Thursday, September 8, 2011

Joshua's First Day of Preschool

Tuesday, September 6, was Joshua's first day of preschool. We were told by his teacher to bring in a stuffed animal friend for his first day, so the night before I picked out their outfits and told Joshua to pick a teddy bear to take with him and put it in his back pack awhile. I talked to both boys about getting dressed immediately rather than playing in the morning so that we could eat breakfast together and get to preschool in plenty of time. After they went to bed, I checked the weather. Doh! I should have looked beforehand. While I had selected shorts, the high for the day dropped from the mid-80s to low 60s. When Joshua woke up, I convinced him to let me pick out a different outfit before getting dressed. I thought all three boys looked handsome (as you can see in the picture above).
The Bean was excited to have his new shoes on (thanks, Mamaw!) and wear a belt like Daddy. I thought he looked sharp. He put on his backpack to model for me so I could take a few pictures. That morning we ate waffles for breakfast. Then I found a zippy for Joshua to wear and Caleb's rain coat because it was POURING outside! I also put a rain coat on myself and thought that Ryan's stroller along with his car seat would protect him from getting wet. We dashed out of the house and got into the minivan, already soaked from those few feet!
Daddy had taken the stroller out of the minivan that weekend and forgot to mention it or put it back. Ryan got DRENCHED! Even with his little hat on, he was a soaking wet baby. Poor little guy! I didn't find a parking space close to the school, so between no stroller and walking a bit and the torrential downpour, I felt bad for my little Schnook. He got me back, though - when we got home, he gave me another poo-pslosion IN his car seat, which went the whole way up to the back of his neck. It was a MESS to clean up!
With the Bean at school, that left two boys at home to play with. Caleb & I worked on puzzle books - matching stickers with pictures, unraveling mazes, determining what was "silly" in pictures and all sorts of other things. We had a fun morning together! I think he appreciated some one-on-one time while Ryan napped that morning.
Joshua was having a blast at preschool, too. He told me all about it when I picked him up. I took this picture of him and his teacher after showing her how to do his inhaler (just in case she would ever need to). He had cut out a circle, written his name, played in the gym, played a fun game with throwing his Bearamy bear when his name was called, and all sorts of other neat-o things. We decided to meet Daddy for lunch (since I knew I wouldn't see Shawn the rest of the day) to give Joshua a special treat for it being his first day back at school.
After we got home, both boys napped for a little while. Joshua woke up first and continued to have quiet time for a little bit. Mamaw arrived, bearing gifts of fruit with her (thank you SO much!) and watched the boys for me so I could get to school on time. It was POURING out still and  I feared that with traffic I might be late again, but I arrived on time (praise God!). Class went well for the most part. Driving home was a bit rough with the wet roads and little visibility, but I finally made it around 11 pm when Daddy handed me the Schnook and went to bed, completely exhausted from his day. I kissed both sleeping older boys, fed the baby, and fell asleep myself. It had been a busy day! I'm so glad that Joshua is happy back at school. :) I miss him like crazy, but it makes it worth it when I see that he's having fun.

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