Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Going Wii

Joshua is really getting older, I can tell. He recently started playing the Wii "for real" and does extremely well - better than his mommy for sure! He started out playing a "tanks" game and didn't do all that well at first, but he kept trying. Shawn said that it was good for his hand-eye coordination and with "all things in moderation" we allowed him to play for a period of time each day that he requested to. He has gotten amazing at it in just a short amount of time. He tells me that he got to a new level with 'pink' tanks! He also will tell me when he gets "bone" tanks (which now he has learned that they are "bonus" tanks). Another game that he is really great at is fishing. Once again, I feel great when I "catch" a fish or two, and he can get more than a dozen.
Another way I can tell he's gotten older is by his ability to pick things up quickly. For example, I sang him the silly song of "Josh, Josh, Bo-bosh, Banana-fanna-fo-fosh, mi-my-mo-mosh, Jo-osh!" After a few times of them laughing hysterically (and asking for everyone's name under the sun), he picked it up and started singing it along with me. Eventually Caleb got it, too.

Today at preschool, Joshua did his 'show and tell' which this year is 'share in a bag.' He was instructed to pick an item and describe it with three clues that his classmates would then guess what was in the bag. I asked him to describe Lightning McQueen and immediately he said "He's fast. He's red. He has wheels." He also told me that he was in the Cars movie and his name starts with the letter 'L.' But, I was impressed he grasped the concept of clues to guess what was in there. When we got to preschool, he went right in and put the bag in a corner. I told him to wait and we should ask the teacher where it goes. She told me that he put it exactly where it should be (and this is only the third or fourth day of school, and I'm not sure that the bag was distributed the other days). His ability to catch little details like that impresses me.

Joshua continues to be a huge helper to his little brothers as well. His desire to help and be kind always makes me respect the character that is developing in him. I can't believe this is the last week he'll be four. And he is SO excited to turn the "BIG NUMBER 5" as he calls it. :)

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