Thursday, September 8, 2011

Caleb's First Day of Preschool

Yesterday, September 7, was Caleb's first day of preschool. Checking the weather BEFORE picking out their clothes this time, I saw the high was going to be upper 70s. That's still shorts weather to me, so I picked out nicer outfits for the kids once again. Now Caleb's preschool teacher has requested that the kids be dressed in old play clothes in case they get paint on them or dirty in general, which I may do in future weeks. But, for the first day, I wanted him to look nice. I just realized as I'm posting this that he's wearing the shirt Joshua wore last year to his first day of preschool. He still looks nice in it!
The kids asked for apple cinnamon cheerios for breakfast, so that's what I gave them. Then I took pictures once again. I don't want to miss a moment of their lives! Caleb's preschool teacher had emailed a list of what they would be doing, including "Play doh, puzzles, peg board activity, train table time, lacing buttons, stories of 'Chicka Chicka Boom Boom' and 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie' (which we have at home), Sticky Bubble Gum circle time, "I will obey," The B-I-B-L-E song (which he knows), 5 monkeys swinging (which we do at home), the Itsy Bitsy Spider (which I sang to him that morning for fun!) and jumping songs. Sounds like fun!
I put their rain coats on them again, only the rain had stopped pouring down as we left the house this time. Praise God! When we got to preschool, I ran into my hair dresser who was dropping off her child for the first time. We went down the hallway to drop Caleb off first, and we saw Mrs. Perez, the aide from Joshua's class, who asked me if it would be okay if she took Joshua the rest of the way so I didn't have to. It was great! Joshua's class is on the far end of the other building. There's a shortcut, but it requires having a key (being staff) so Mrs. Perez could easily take him while I'd have to fight the crowds with my Schnook 'n stroller (which I'll do in future weeks). I thought the offer was sweet, and I asked Joshua if that would be okay with him. He said sure, and away they went. I was hoping to be able kiss Caleb goodbye, but his teacher whisked him into his room. Most of the other toddlers were screaming, and she had said that the tears stop sooner if parents do a quick goodbye and leave rather than a long-drawn-out emotional time of it. Caleb wouldn't have been emotional at all, but I can see her point. He was fine and walked right into class.
So, Ryan & I came home. He napped for almost an hour, and I prepared "chicken-fried pork chops" and put them in the crock pot for dinner. I also finished some laundry and had a few minutes of down time before he woke up to eat. I called and scheduled Shawn's surgery as well, which will be on September 29 if all goes well. While having time to myself should be a good thing (and is!), putting the baby into the car seat and wrestling with the stroller to get it out and put it away twice a day is less than fun for an entire week. As I emailed my friend, this week has already about killed me and it's just the start of school!
When we got back to preschool, I ran into another mom I know and we were chatting. Then I went to grab Caleb first because his teacher lets out five minutes earlier than the other one. He came running out to me with his coat and back pack in hand, but I had to put them on him in the middle of the busy hall way. I snapped a quick picture of him and his teacher as he was coming out (which you'll see below). As we were walking, he burst into tears, telling me that he desperately had to go potty. We made it on time, and I asked him if he remembered where the potty was in his classroom that I had shown him the week before. He didn't remember, which tells me that he didn't get a potty break all morning. I'm sure with the rest not being potty trained, he probably didn't feel comfortable asking his teacher to go while they were busy with activities. I will have to stress potty time next week to him and show him again (if I'm given the opportunity) where the bathroom is. He was SO upset! He seemed to have a fun day, and after he went to the bathroom he was his same happy self again. Poor little guy!
Joshua had another fun day. He told me that they had mixed colors, and he remembered what the different colors mixed had made (red + blue = purple, blue + yellow = green, red + yellow = orange). He said it was fun. He also told me about some of the games they played, etc. He seems to like his teacher and his class so far. I told him that I was going to make him french toast with cinnamon this morning, and he said "why is Simeon going to eat my french toast?" There are two little boys named Simeon in his class, I remember, so I think he's learning some names. Haaa!!!
Below is Caleb's first craft - he said he painted with bubble wrap! Fun! I'm glad both boys are enjoying school. Everyone was tired when we came home that day. Aunt Jen had invited us to her house for lunch and play time, and at first I agreed. Then I said that I realized how sleepy my kids were and took a rain check. I was glad I did because all three slept in the afternoon and I even slept hard for close to an hour. I needed it! I felt extremely refreshed when I woke up.
When Daddy came home, he seemed to enjoy the big dinner I had made the family, including the crock pot pork chops, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and baked biscuits. :)

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