Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's Just Plane Paintin'

I told Daddy that I'd like to do something fun with the boys while the weather was yucky outside. We had had these planes for a little while that Grandpa Georgia had picked up for the boys from the Dollar Store. They were simple foam planes that you put together. I had put them up for a special 'rainy day' activity. Here was our opportunity! Daddy agreed. So, I got out our yucky plastic table cloth and took the boys nice shirts off and gave them aprons instead.
The previous day at preschool, Joshua's teacher had mixed colors and he was so excited to tell me what the colors made when they were mixed together. To reinforce the lesson, I asked him what color I'd get if I mixed the blue & red paint together. PURPLE! he shouted. I asked about yellow & blue and GREEN! was his answer. Then I asked about red & yellow and sure enough he got it right with ORANGE!

He loves purple and began to paint his plane with it right away. He was SO excited to have a family craft night, and he kept telling everyone how great they were doing with their airplane painting. It was so cute to hear his encouraging remarks to everyone around the table. "Oh, that looks so nice, Caleb!" "I like that color, Mama!" "Daddy, you're doing a great job!" He is such a sweet kid!
I can also tell that he's getting older with how well he's doing his crafts, too. :)
Caleb asked for the orange right away! He eventually used all the colors. I helped him paint his plane at times. He also was the first to spill paint everywhere. Is anyone shocked? Oh, my messy little man! He had a blast, though, too.
Of course, after we were finished with our airplanes, the boys all got baths. They needed it!
The kids both wanted to fly their airplanes that night, but I explained that they needed to dry first. In the morning, they were actually dry and the kids did get to fly them outside since the rain had passed by the following day. They had a BLAST!
I thought family painting was great, and I think we'll have to make it a new tradition!
Daddy painted his airplane to model Southwest airplanes. We both dreamed of tropical vacations, flying somewhere warm and sunny!

When all the airplanes were finished, I asked them to smile and show them off for the camera. Here were the finished products!
The kids have asked to paint more airplanes. Too bad there aren't any left! We even went to the local stores to look for more. They are all sold out now. And with them being foam, they break relatively easily when being flown outside. But, the kids would make the noises when they flew them and call out "crash!" or "nose dive!"

I love my family! I'm so thankful for memory making time! :)

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