Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We Are Family

Me and my amazing husband...what would I do without him? I love him more each day we're together.
Bean also loves his Dadda. They are bestest of buddies. I love to watch them dance together...especially in the garage, which is Joshua's new favorite place to hang out. He wants to be outside, but he enjoys coming in doors for a little bit cooler temps. Joshua had his first not-so-great night sleeping in his big boy bed Sunday night. Around 3-4ish (can't remember now), I heard a little voice saying "up, up!" and my eyes opened and realized I was nose-to-nose, blue-eyes-to-blue-eyes with my precious son. Daddy took the first turn putting him back in bed. Then I took a turn half an hour later when I heard the little voice again. When he came back in later, I took him back and laid down with him. Eventually, he fell asleep and I went back to our room. He wasn't throwing a fit, he wasn't crying, he just seemed awake and kind of sad. If that would have been our first try at a big boy bed, we may have reconsidered the crib situation. But, other than that night, he's actually done really well. And, I was so happy he came right over to our room. Daddy forgot to put the baby gate up that night in front of the bathroom door and stairs (not that Joshua can't get it open, but we normally would hear it first). Instead, he came right over, so that's nice. And, he didn't fight us to go back to bed. I guess I'll be getting up throughout the night soon enough anyway!Joshua and I have been coloring pictures, playing outside, putting together puzzles and his train blocks and hanging out. We sing and read and spend all day together, just waiting for Daddy to come home (or me to go into labor...no such luck yet!)
Today I had my final doctor's appointment before my c-section next Tuesday. (Thanks, Grandma & Grandpa Ginder for watching the Bean!) The doctor ordered a Non-Stress Test since I've been having some contractions. Unfortunately, their NST machine wasn't working and triage was busy or something, so they sent me to Maternal Fetal Medicine for the test (where they have comfy chairs!). The test showed that the baby's heart rate dips low occasionally, which made them do a final ultrasound to check my placenta fluid levels. Evidentally they thought everything was okay to wait a week for the c-section. Now I have to find a place that does bloodwork on a holiday weekend so I'm ready for Tuesday. I think it would be so much easier if the baby would come sooner (or maybe I'm tired of being pregnant in this heat). However, this is my last week with just me and the Bean. Most likely, this is the last Tuesday I'll ever be pregnant, ever.
And, there are some advantages to being pregnant. I just had someone ask me if I was going to pop (what do you say to that????). One of the joys of pregnancy is that people look at a big belly and go "awww" instead of "ohh!" People also ask you how you're feeling more often and seem to genuinely care. And, no one expects you to lift heavy boxes, while eating ice cream or an extra serving of something delicious is more acceptable. It's also interesting to see a foot pressing against your abdomen and wonder what your next child will be like. Plus, you get to rotate in some clothes you wouldn't normally wear, and most of them have stretchiness that makes them super comfortable. So, I guess I'll suck it up and enjoy the last few days of having a little guy inside me, dealing with all the negatives of being pregnant (which are far too many to list here!). Please pray for the baby that he's healthy and doing well and not in distress!
Also pray for Shawn's Grandma Kennel who will have open heart surgery tomorrow.


Julie Garner said...

I'm so excited for you! Do you know yet what time your surgery will be? You are DAYS away now from meeting your new little baby!!! I am so excited for you. And your surgery is Tuesday, right? WOW!

I pray you have a relaxing and peaceful last weekend together with your family of three. See Joshua as a little boy over the next few days, because suddenly he will become a big boy and a big brother overnight...and you will not believe how big he will seem next to his brother. It's amazing and awesome and such a wonder!

You're hair looks incredible! Love the bangs...you're super hot, chica!

I love you guys! Keep me posted on how you are and what, if anything, we can do for you!!!

Anonymous said...

I cant remeber if I emailed you back but I have to tell you that this pic of you in the orange shirt...you look so pretty and healthy. I am glad that things are going good and I cant wait to see the pics of bean the second...Take care...and good luck
