Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Yesterday to celebrate Independence Day we went to my mom's house for lunch with Jen's family and then over to Aunt Missy & Uncle Kevin's with Grandma & Grandpa Ginder and Brian & Gayle and family. While we had a very nice invitation to go swimming at Shawn's Aunt Stacy & Uncle Jeff's house, we had already declined since I didn't want them to buy extra food and stuff and us be in the hospital having another little guy. Unfortunately, though, no little guy yet! When we were buying chips to take to both events, Shawn jokingly told me that Wal-mart might accuse me of stealing a watermelon. He thinks he's so funny! Anyway, we had a nice time at both places, even though it rained off and on throughout the day. Last night after we got home, we decided to unwind watching a movie called "Fractured" that was fairly interesting.
Afterward, since Joshua was already in bed, Shawn said to come out on our front porch to see the fireworks. I said, "let's be spontaneous and put the Bean in the car with us and drive and look for this display of lights!" So, even though I was already in my PJ-esque comfy clothes, I picked up the Bean - who cuddled right into me - and put him in the car and we drove for all of ten minutes, not seeing another flash of anything. Bummer! We got home, and they started again, in another direction. This time, we just walked to the end of our road to see if we could get a clearer view. With no such luck, I put my snuggly little cuddle bug back into his bed and we turned in ourselves. Maybe next year we'll get to see fireworks!

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