Thursday, July 3, 2008

Week 39

Fetal Development:
Most of the lanugo is gone as the baby prepares for its final womb days. The lungs are maturing and surfactant production is increasing. The baby can't move too much anymore as its womb space has become very crowded. The average size baby is over seven pounds at this point.

Maternal Changes:
Are you feeling huge and clumsy? As the baby settles into your pelvis (lightening), your center of gravity shifts which may make you feel off-balance. The good news is, the uterus isn't pressing on your diaphragm so it's easier to breathe. The bad news is, your uterus is pushing on your bladder so you may be running to the bathroom every two minutes. Your uterus is 6 1/2 to 8 inches above your navel!

Ideas for Dad:
Congratulate yourself Dad! You're almost a father again, and you've survived (almost) the pregnancy. You're probably a nervous wreck or in denial that anything is about to happen, but that's okay. In a few days, you won't remember what you had for breakfast (or even IF you had breakfast) let alone the anxiety you're having right now. Enjoy these last moments with mom as a couple or as a family of 3 and pat yourself on the back for being a great dad. After all, if you weren't a great dad, you wouldn't be reading this guide!

Inspirational Thoughts:
"Childbirth is more admirable than conquest, more amazing than self-defense, and as courageous as either one." ~Gloria Steinem

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