Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Belated 22 Months!

I feel so bad that I forgot to post a Happy 22-month birthday to my sweet boy last Friday! I had thought about it all week, but when Friday came, I completely forgot. Joshua had a fun "birthday" playing outside with Grandma during the day and Daddy at night, so I'm sure he didn't miss the typical 'photo shoot' I take of him once a month. We made up for it today!
I heard back from Early Intervention on the tracking questionnaire I filled out. Joshua ranked fine in everything but communication, where he scored a little lower than average. I talked about it with the coordinator, and she's going to send me a book on things I can do to work with him on his communication. And, we get another tracking survey at his 2-year birthday, which is coming up shortly in September. So, we'll see how he ranks at that point and then if he still is behind, we'll seek help.
I remember our physical therapist saying that kids often excel in one thing or the other (physical or verbal) and then when they catch up in the other, the first thing lacks for a little while until they put it all together. So, he was originally advanced verbally and behind physically, now he's pretty well caught up physically and a little behind verbally, so I'm believing that both will come together soon.
The things I love about Joshua are his sweet disposition, the fact that he LOVES music and he likes to be held. He adores being outside, spending time with his Daddy and learning new things. He's still not a big eater, but I think he looks normal for his age.
We love you, sweetie! We're celebrating 22 months of the wonderful little boy God has created you to be!

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