Thursday, July 31, 2008

A New First

I haven't had as much time for pictures or postings these days as I once did, mainly because I'm getting up throughout the night to feed the baby. So, when Joshua lays down for a nap, so do I. It's the only way I keep my sanity.

Today, however, he did something that amazed me that I thought I would write about since I'm printing out his blog for his baby book to let him know how much I loved him from the moment he was conceived. I was down in the family room feeding Caleb and Joshua was playing. All the sudden he came over to me and anxiously said "Poo-poo!" I asked him if he had gone poo-poo and he said 'okay!' like he normally does when we've communicated. However, I didn't smell anything so I thought maybe he had just passed some gas. Instead, I realized in a few minutes that he was telling me he had to go poo-poo! Unfortunately, I missed the opportunity because I was feeding Caleb and didn't understand this was what Joshua meant. So, I had to change another diaper. But, in the meantime, we bought some small M&M's as rewards and I'm going to start trying to put him on the potty this weekend when Daddy's here to help. He loves to sit on it clothed, especially if we're in the bathroom on the regular potty. So, now it's time to start showing him the unclothed version. My little boy is growing up!

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