Friday, July 18, 2008

Thank you for your prayers

The night that I posted about Joshua's sadness, he came right up to me and said 'HUG!' and threw his arms open and gave me a big squeeze. I bawled and squeezed him back and lifted him into my arms. At bedtime, he gave me a rather lengthy book that he normally won't sit through and listened to every last word. We said prayers and then I offered for him to go 'night night' to which he responded 'rock!' So, we continued rocking as I sang songs to him and we snuggled. I was so blessed. He seems to be over his resentment for the most part; although whichever one of us has Caleb is the parent that he wants to be held by at that exact moment. But, he's getting a little more used to the idea each day.
This is Joshua riding the horse from Grandpa Georgia. His legs fit perfectly around it and he motors it all through our house. The funniest thing is that he always "parks" it when he's done by backing it up by the bay window. Then when he wants it again, he goes and gets it and drives it around and then parks it when he's finished. So cute!
Caleb also started sleeping more. (And my paranoia has set in of checking on him all the time since he was always awake before!) The pediatrician said not to go more than four hours between feedings at night. Sometimes it feels like he no more than gets to sleep and I have to wake him to eat, but I know eventually this too shall pass. I remember getting up every few hours with Joshua, but it's a distant memory. Last night Joshua woke up around 4:30am (I was up feeding the baby), and I heard him talking softly in his big boy bed for a few minutes. But, he never left his bed or his room. I was so proud of him! And, I'm proud of Caleb for beginning to sleep like a baby. The trick is that he'll only sleep when being held. I think eventually we'll be able to break this (or at least I hope!). For now I'm glad that he's eating well and we're all starting to do a little better...

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

The thing I always remind myself of when Kate won't sleep except in my arms is that soon she will not want me to hold her at all. This time is short. I try to hold her all I can. Caleb loves his Mama! :)

I love your blog, Val. The story about the dinner prayer was GREAT! Our kids are amazing. I pray they all fall hopelessly in love with Jesus Christ!

Tell your mom I said Happy Birthday! She's a very sweet lady! :) I miss seeing her at the pool this year...but as you know all too well, it's just not possible this year with our babes. Tell her next year we'll all be over to splash and swim! And you and I will be thinner, too! Ha ha! (Keep prayin' it for us!)

Love you!