Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One Week Old

Happy one week birthday, Caleb Luke Good! He was in the 50th percentile for weight (much less than Dr. Bayliss said he was on track for), and the 55th for height and head circumference. So, we have the perfectly average baby!
However, nothing else about him is average. I've never seen a newborn who stays awake like Caleb. I'm not exaggerating when I say that he only napped today when Joshua did (thank God, too, because I laid down for an hour!). He will only sleep if he's being held. And, he's so strong. He roots all the time, and has blisters on both hands from sucking them all the time. He also sucks fiercely on his pacifier and I've been feeding him every two hours, which takes him about 40 minutes+ to do. He kicks out of his swaddling with his strong little legs. Oh, my strong boy! I wish you would sleep like a normal new born.
He's also amazingly alert in that he will watch his brother and seems to recognize when it's me holding him vs. someone else. The pediatrician said that at a month we can try to start getting him into a schedule. But, for now with him so young, we answer the minute he cries (or as soon as physically possible) to teach him that he can trust us. Please pray for us all!

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