Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Two Good Spies!!!

Yesterday I took Caleb for his first weight check/ follow-up from being in the hospital. He now weighs 7 lbs 5 oz (he had dropped down to 7 lbs 2 oz in the hospital and is now on the way back up, which is a good thing!). Dr. Hanna said she wasn't concerned about his yellow color and everything looks good. She also gave me some pointers, which was nice. She asked about Joshua (I didn't realize they put their charts together) and dug out a sticker for him and told me to give it to him. She asked, "Does he like Mickey Mouse or Elmo or Thomas?" to which I replied, "He doesn't watch TV so any of those are fine." She was so excited then and said, "That's great! Let's dig and find him a really great dump truck." I thought that was super sweet. After she left I heard a knock on the door (why knock? I'm just dressing the baby, not myself...) and she said "Caleb and Joshua! The two good spies!!! I just got it as I was leaving with their chart!" Now, I'm sure they have to be careful about how they say things, but I thought that was an interesting way to put it. I said yes! We heard a great sermon on Caleb as we were considering his name, and it seemed to fit when he was born. I love the verse below that talks about Caleb. She said as she left that they'll be good buddies. I'm praying that's the case!

Numbers 14:24 But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.

Numbers 14:38 Of the men who went to explore the land, only Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh survived.

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