Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Welcome to Our World

Daddy is a man of many words, as you can see from his post yesterday. Caleb (middle name yet to be determined) Good was born yesterday at 10:10 am, weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He's got a healthy set of lungs and has yet to demonstrate his ability to sleep...Surgery this time round was harder than I was expecting, but I'm doing well for the most part. We appreciate your prayers for a quick recovery!
Our newest son looks somewhat like Joshua did when he was two months old (which is roughly when he should have been born). He is absolutely beautiful! We are truly blessed.
Joshua is staying with Grandma and is doing well so far; although she said he woke up sad this morning looking for us, which brought tears to both Shawn and my eyes. We miss you, too, my precious Bean!
Joshua (along with Grandma) was our first visitor. When he came into our room, he was interested in pointing at the "baby!" (which he said happily) and that was it....then he checked out our room and all the fancy gadgets without touching anything inappropriate. He's a great big brother so far.


Julie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! i love caleb! caleb and joshua. such STRONG names for boys! praying for a quick recovery for you, val! BLESSINGS!

Julie Garner said...

Caleb is so beautiful! He will be such a tremendous blessing in all of your lives. Joshua will never remember what it is like to be without his brother. I pray the two become best of friends and are always there for one another.

You looked amazing today. Especially for all you've been through and the fact that you haven't slept! Get some Mac N Cheese for supper and I'll talk to you again soon! I am definitely going to bring you a meal once you're home! :)


Julie Garner said...


Wanna play with me?
