Friday, May 14, 2010

A Mother's Day Weekend to Remember

Friday night was Bounce U, as I posted before, and Saturday morning we decided to set the alarm and get up early for the Leola development yard sales. Just about every development in Leola was having one, and almost every year we got to an older Mennonite lady's home to get Shawn meadow tea for his birthday. She makes it just like his mom used to, and she'd sell Shawn a pickle jar or gallon jug of it. Saturday morning ended up being cold and rainy, though. We got a little soaked at one point when we had walked away from the car and hadn't quite made it back when the heavens let loose. We also didn't find the house we were looking for. We didn't know the exact address, and the house that we remembered it being had a young family living in it now. It doesn't necessarily surprise me since this woman was decently old when we started this tradition nearly a decade ago. We were bummed, though. We did, however, find one yard sale where their son had liked Toy Story, too. Shawn bought every last Buzz Light Year and Woody doll they had, totaling less than $2 for the entire bag full of toys. The boys were THRILLED! So were we. It made the entire morning worth it. Now they both have toys to play with.

At the one yard sale, there were two dogs tied to a tree with a decently long leash/rope that let them move but not get away. Joshua was sad that the doggies were 'stuck' and he stopped right then and there and said "Dear Jesus, please free the puppies. AMEN!" We smiled. I like that he knows to pray for situations he can't control. At another yard sale I found a pair of swim trunks and shorts his size, and he got a really cool dinosaur for a dime that moves and makes noise. He loves it! Daddy lets them pick out a toy at times to include them in the shopping process. We can take toys that have been gently used and clean them up and they're as good as new - and less than half the price.
That afternoon was the Manheim Township Community Days. We had went last year and loved it. But Saturday was so cold, it barely seemed worth it. The boys also napped during the time that the range was open for free. We ended up getting there when it was almost over and just ate some ice cream. The lines for the bounce house and mini golf were pretty long, and we were all freezing. It didn't seem worth sticking around for. Later that night, we went to Carabba's with a gift card we had. We were waiting for awhile since we didn't think it would be quite that busy that early, and eventually I told Joshua to pray that we would get a seat if he was hungry. The woman waiting next to us heard me, and she asked him to pray for them, too. Not even two minutes later, they paged both of us to go sit - next to each other! I grinned as I knew God works small miracles to let himself be known and admired. I knew exactly why this 'coincidence' happened, and I'm hoping she did, too. That night, I can't remember what we did after dinner, but I'm sure it included some family time.
Sunday morning was another cold day. We got up early to go to church, and the boys wore 'mommy' t-shirts underneath their dress shirts. You can see them better in the first pictures. The sermon was REALLY good on the parable of the lost son. Truly, the 'lost' son was the son who was home and didn't want to go into the party for his brother coming home. He was the 'religious' son who wasn't concerned about his father's heart and instead was looking for favor through his good works. He hadn't bothered to try and find his brother or bring reconciliation. He was the one missing the party and missing the true meaning of being a brother and a son. The message was on being a 'son' rather than being a 'slave.' It really made me think about my own attitude and heart. They also blessed us with a rose for being a mom after the service, and mine has opened beautifully.
After church, Shawn bought us breakfast sandwiches and a caramel frappe from McDonald's. (They kill my diet, but they're so yummy!) He also had these flowers from the boys waiting for me. They're beautiful. Then he let me have time to go shopping with my mommy. I picked her up and had a gift card to one of our favorite stores. We both found nice things to try on and buy. We also went to a couple other stores, and I bought a 'nicer' t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I thoroughly enjoyed our shopping trip. Mom is my favorite shopping buddy. There aren't a lot of folks I would feel comfortable knowing my size or telling me if something looked silly on, etc. Plus, we like similar things, so we always have a nice time.
After we were done since the boys were still napping, I went tanning and then to Old Navy where I bought a jean skirt that was on sale. It was great! When I returned home, the boys woke up and we headed out. Daddy used a gift card to go to dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. I saw not one, not two, but three of my former students waiting tables there. One waved hi, one came over to talk to us, and one didn't see us. We feasted on our delicious salads and enjoyed our time there.
When we came home, we gave the boys baths and played together. I realized this year more than ever just how fortunate I am to be a mom. I am able to celebrate this day with a new perspective because of the beautiful boys that God has blessed me with. I have always been thankful for my mom, and once Shawn & I settled down I also had the privilege of adding my mothers-in-law to that mix of thankfulness. But, this is one of the first years I sat and thought about the fact that someone was celebrating me, too. I don't feel like I deserve it. Sure, I dress the boys and give them love, feed them and make sure they're safe. And yes, I get up in the middle of the night when they cry and try to play with them. But, when Shawn prayed that night and thanked God for the wonderful mom I am to our sons, I was honored. I don't think I deserve the praise. This has been the toughest job ever. I'm far too selfish... something I have to die to everyday to serve my kids at these ages, especially. I am more blessed to be called 'momma' then they'll ever understand. I often wonder why God in His infinite wisdom would choose me to care for these amazing boys that are in our household. And, I am truly thankful. This is an incredible job and one I wouldn't want to miss for the world. May I never take a moment for granted.
The next day, I found a card and a little gift on the counter. Shawn had forgotten to give me the card that the boys had signed. I laughed. It had been such an amazing day, I didn't even think about a card! He had planned a picnic lunch and had bought some of my favorite foods to have - only it was so cold, and we had had a late breakfast. He told me he had gotten me some heavier weights that I had asked for, too, from the boys. It was funny - the flowers and our kids were more than enough to make me happy. It was truly an incredible day, especially with shopping and everything!

Hope you had a nice mother's day, too, especially if you're also a momma or know a great one!

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