Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy 05+05='10! Celebrating El Cinco De Mayo

Yesterday was another beautiful day. I woke up around 6 am and went for a nice jog to the park and back. When I got home, I took a quick shower and took the Bean to Aunt Jen's so she could take him to preschool in her van. He was SO excited! Then Caleb & I went to the doctor's and afterward, we did some shopping. When we got home, I put things away, did some laundry and went to get Joshua at preschool.
 When I picked Joshua up from preschool, there was a card he made in the mailbox for me, and this adorable plant which has pictures of him all around it. It was so cute!

After we got home, I reorganized our shelves downstairs (with the boys' help), watched them play the Cars game on the Wii, made lunch for them, played for awhile and tucked the boys into bed for their naps. While they slept, I mowed our entire yard again.
When they woke up, we went for a walk around the neighborhood. One thing I had bought for Joshua was a pair of 'Buzz Light Year' sunglasses, which he's modeling in these pictures. Only, they lasted the stroller ride before they broke. Cheaply made, I guess. He was devastated. We played outside until Daddy got home, then we fed the boys dinner and had our rice & beans meal of the day before Daddy & Joshua went to the ball game (which I'll post about later). I took Caleb for a milkshake and then we walked up to see what was going on at the youth edition of National Day of Prayer (only 'til we got there, they were praying, so we kept walking back home). He enjoyed being outside most of the day. I got him in jammies and Daddy & the Bean walked in the door. We tucked the boys in bed and turned in ourselves not long thereafter. Happy May 5!

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