Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy 22-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

This past Saturday, Caleb celebrated 22 months of life here on this earth. It is absolutely CRAZY when I think about the fact that he's as old as Joshua was when he was born. Joshua seemed so 'old' then when we had a newborn, and yet Caleb still very much seems like my baby. But, alas, he's becoming a "big & strong" boy like his brother.
Caleb loves to sing like his older brother, and he knows many of the words to "Jesus Loves Me" and "Sunshine" and "Good Night, Thomas" and the "ABC Song." He also knows the dinner prayer and the prayers we typically say at night. He can sing most of the turtle song by himself, and he's learning more and more everyday. He also repeats just about everything we say. The other day I said "Good Lord!" and he proclaimed it right back. Not liking how that sounded from a 22-month-old, I said "How about 'Holy Moly'" and right on cue he said "WHAT?!?!" Shawn & I cracked up! His little inquisitive voice was so amusing as he pulls out the 'what' at the exact right time.
Caleb fits well in 18-month pants and 24-month or 2T shirts, and his feet are so big at an 8W. He loves to climb, and he's pretty quiet even though he's extremely mischievous. He blames everything on his older brother. For example, when I smell something, I ask who did it. Caleb's first response is always Joshua. The other day when Joshua was in preschool, I asked Caleb if he tooted and he said "No, JOSH!" Um, pretty hard to blame that one on your brother, kiddo.
Caleb has become extremely independent, and he can basically undress himself. He likes to eat by himself, even when it's messy. In fact, the picture above was him on his 22-month birthday where Daddy is trying to feed him his ice cream at the Community Days. Caleb was angry that he wasn't allowed to hold it himself, even though he'd wear most of it. I have never met such a messy little guy! Joshua is so neat and clean, and Caleb wears everything.
Caleb's favorite book right now is the Berenstein Bears "Missing Honey" and he also still loves Curious George. He knows his Cars & Toy Story characters, too, from his older brother. He also loves Stanley the Stinkbug. He knows the colors yellow & orange, but he doesn't seem to pick up others. He can count fairly high and has a pretty extensive vocabulary that never ceases to amaze us. He's also a jumper, climber and physically extremely strong. His favorite foods are peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, grapes, blueberries, peas, chicken nuggets, pizza, ham, cereal and gold fish. He also loves ice cream typically and COOKIES! How he says it and how he eats them are hysterical. He LOVES chocolate chip cookies, just like his Daddy.

Caleb still can't say his name well. He says "Bay - Bluke" when you ask him his name. He says "JOSH" very clearly, though. He loves his older brother, and I notice that Caleb will often give Joshua his favorite toy if the Bean gets too upset. Joshua is also getting better at sharing with his little brother, too. They truly enjoy each other. When we picked up Joshua from preschool, Joshua proclaimed "Caleb, hi! I love you! I missed you today!" and Caleb grinned and said "Hi! Love too!" I smiled.

Caleb's starting to sit on the potty with a timer, but so far nothing has happened when he's on there. We also are thinking it's time to move him from a crib to a toddler bed since he's a climber. We have the adjustable piece to convert his crib. Oh, my little baby is growing so fast! Happy 22-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

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