Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Fun Rainy Day

Sometimes rainy days can be a bit boring since we can't play outside. But not yesterday! We had had such a busy weekend that I decided some fun activities were needed to start the week. I started with letting the boys get dressed later than normal. It didn't really matter since we weren't going anywhere. So, Joshua is wearing his PJ's in these pictures, but he eventually got dressed around lunchtime, I think.

The first game we played was the 'rhythm' game. I dug out a few different types of containers and a couple wooden spoons to add to our collection of drum sticks, and we would sing. The faster the song, the faster we'd play the' drums.' The slower the song, the slower we'd play our drums. Joshua LOVED it! Caleb wasn't so sure, even though he typically likes drumming. So, once we were done, I told them it was time for a fun water game.
We played 'sink or float.' I filled the bathtub up with a couple inches of water (although to do this again, I think I'd find a smaller tub to use since it was a bit of a waste of water). Then, we found things from around the house to guess whether or not they would sink or float. Most everything that we chose to use (including a hair spray bottle & lotion, wooden spoons, Tupperware, a tractor, and various toys) floated! They kept guessing one way or the other, and I was surprised at some things that floated. Only one little toy filled up with water and sank to the bottom.
Next, we got out the potato heads and made various creatures. (On a side note, Joshua asked me for a dog last night. My heart sank, until I realized he meant the fake 'slinky dog' from Toy Story. Yeah!!!). The Bean asked me to get a picture of his potato head. He always uses the same pieces for the nose, feet, mouth, ears and arms. Every time he picks those pieces with care (even though there are several options). I think it's adorable.
We listened to a Sunday School Songs CD that my friend Suz had given us throughout the morning, and I read the entire Thomas book to Joshua and Stanley Stinkbug at least five times to Caleb. We also played Joshua's Candy Land Castle game. Caleb also colored, and last night Daddy & I put together their train tracks again that had been wrecked on Sunday. I think Joshua also played some Wii with Daddy that night (I couldn't seem to operate it earlier in the day, which I'm sure was user error). I also asked him to go down the stairs using both feet rather than leading with just one, and he did. All the activities made our raining-off-and-on day much more bearable. (And, now that you see Caleb's outfit, can you picture him putting his hands inside and saying 'pockets!' ... haaaaa!!!).

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