Monday, May 3, 2010

May Day

Sunday, we woke up fairly early, with Joshua coming into our room in his typical fashion to smile at us and welcome us into this new day. He proclaims "Good Morning! Let's Play!" as we groggily wonder how we can go back to sleep... but his good mood is contagious. Grandpa Georgia had invited us to breakfast at his favorite greasy spoon, so we called him to say yes to his offer. We met him there and enjoyed eating together, and then we headed to Walmart to get rice & beans and a couple other items. Our church the week before had a challenge to eat nothing but rice & beans for five days to experience how the truly poor live. We had had so many plans that week already that I knew we'd never stick to it, so we chose to do it the following week instead. After all, the idea is to get the point of what it's like and to save money on meals and give it to the needy.

After Walmart, we went back to our house to grab Shawn's car and then we drove separately to church. We heard another powerful sermon on loving the 'underdogs' of society and giving to those in need since we have been so blessed. There was a family in our church who lived the 'Blindside' experience - taking in someone who they found living in their tree house and helping to raise him. We saw another video on the devastation in Haiti and the sick orphans. We were reminded once again that God can do a miracle with what little we have to give (just like the five loaves and two fish). And we sang a song by Carlos Whittaker that I downloaded when we got home from all our festivities that night.

Shawn picked up the kids after church and took them home for naps while I headed straight from their to Suzanne's parents house. Ian had been baptized at their church that morning, and they held a luncheon afterward to celebrate. I enjoyed hanging out with Suz & Greg's families, eating while enjoying the nice breeze on their covered patio area. I laughed at their talk of who started kissing the baby first at church, which I guess led to everyone in the church taking a turn to kiss the baby's forehead. :) :) :) It was a lovely afternoon. After enjoying some cake, I left to get home and get the boys up from their naps to go to life group. Only half the folks were there, roughly, but we still had a good time going over this series and eating once again. :)

Today Joshua had preschool this morning, and I worked at putting away all their winter clothes and getting out their summer clothes to see what fits and what we need. Thankfully, we were lent some clothes from cousin Grant (thanks so much!) for Joshua. Then this afternoon, Grandma came bearing gifts for the boys including beads for a craft and a Toy Story game for his Leapster2 he got for Christmas. She watched them while I headed off to the last class of the semester. After tonight, SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMA'! (at least for me... Joshua is done next week).
Becca let Alayna play with their camera at life group, and then Joshua wanted to play with it, too. Instead, Daddy gave him ours (much to my displeasure). Amidst a TON of blurry and goofy pictures with heads cut off, etc, there were a few amusing ones that turned out half good. It was interesting to me to see what he took pictures of. I put them below for your enjoyment:

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