Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Beginning of the End (of April)

Last Monday was my last day of teaching in my classes. I received an email mid-day that I was going to be reviewed by another professor as peer reviews were due and no one had completed mine yet. I was a little nervous, so I made sure to look as nice as possible. Joshua had preschool that morning, and we packed him a lunch to stay late and eat there to make up for the snow days this year. He enjoyed it, and when I picked him up, they were beading blue necklaces, talking about the beach (and his shirt was soaked from playing in water at the sensory table) and listening to the Beach Boys. Both classes went well, and I was glad to take my heels off when I got home.

 [The pictures are of Joshua's first experience roller skating back in January at Faith's birthday party, since I didn't post them then and didn't have pictures to post with this entry.]

Tuesday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (to quote one of my favorite poems from when I was little). I took Joshua to the doctor's office that morning for a constipation re-check. When we got there, he decided that he didn't want to take off his coat or shoes to get weighed, and the nurse didn't put us in a room for me to chat with him and prepare him for what was coming next. As Caleb was running around, I successfully took the Bean's coat off and tried to slip off one of his Crocs with one hand -- only to have him lose his balance and literally fall face first onto the cement. UGH! He cried. I bawled. They never did take his weight. He had blood all over his face from his teeth going through (almost) his bottom lip. His nose was also sore, he said (thank God he didn't land directly on it or it would have broken, I think). I felt so badly. I kept telling him how sorry I was and he told me it was an accident. I should have been more careful and made him sit down before trying to slip off his shoes. I felt like the worst mom in the whole world. [Later in the week, he stood up and asked me to slip off his Crocs to clean them at the playground, and I almost did! Then I remembered our awful experience and told him I wouldn't help take them off until he was sitting. Lesson learned, I guess.]
The doctor looked at his lip and said that he would be okay. By the time she came in, it had stopped bleeding. She told me to put Neosporin (sp?) on the outside of his chin to help it heal and not scar. I cried the rest of the day. Nothing seemed to go well. It was just a bad, bad day. Thankfully, days like this are few and far between.

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