Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hi, Knee

This morning I took Caleb to the doctor's office first thing. While I was shopping with Grandma yesterday, he kept falling and telling us that his left knee hurt. He was limping, and I was perplexed. Thinking back over our day, he hadn't fallen or anything terribly out of the ordinary. There was one point where he was riding his cozy coupe car and Joshua was pushing it that his leg got stuck, but it was less than a second and he played fine afterward. But, that's the only moment I could think where he might have gotten hurt. I called the doctor's office when we got home, and they were booked for the evening but gave us the first appointment of the day.
Dr. Haught asked if Caleb had been sick at all prior to the visit, and I said no. After looking for swelling, moving his legs all around, feeling the knee joints, he said he think that it must have gotten twisted or something on that ride and sometimes it doesn't become truly painful until after it's been immobile for awhile (i.e. his nap). He told me to give him children's Motrin for three days and to bring him back if it gets worse (more swollen or red) or he gets a fever. He asked about sickness because there is some sort of illness that can affect joints and they can get infected, but since he hasn't been ill at all, the doctor thinks that this is probably just a minor injury. Poor little Caleb! He's doing fine now but every once in awhile will look at me and say "knee" and point to that same left one. I went right away and got the Motrin for him. Pray that he feels all better!

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