Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Bluke & the Bean

This picture is of Joshua walking with me to the park on Thursday. Both boys had been in the stroller, but Joshua asked to get out and walk. They both love their little cups from Ma-maw & Pa-paw Ginder (which is hanging around his neck in this picture since that's how he wanted to carry it rather than leave it in the stroller).
Caleb can say everyone else's name but his own. When asked his name, he'll often say 'JOSH!' or 'Dadda' but eventually says 'blah bluke' (or how he hears Caleb Luke) and now it's become just 'Bluke.' If you try to take something of his, he'll say "Bluke's" XYZ. It is absolutely adorable. So, now we have the Bean and the Bluke.
Yesterday, Caleb wore a pair of bib overalls and all day long he kept putting his hands inside the bibs themselves (so on top of the shirt but underneath the entire shorts part) and saying "pocket" and walking around like that. It wasn't really his pockets, but I cracked up every time he did it. He is such a cutie pie!

My boys are so different! Caleb LOVES to swing. Joshua doesn't. Joshua loves to slide. Caleb doesn't - but I realized on Thursday as I slid down with Joshua (at his request) that the slides are HOT! No wonder Caleb dislikes it! Yikes! It's not just the height. At Aunt Jen's house on Friday, Caleb did slide down after a few times of me holding his hands to do so. He seemed to enjoy it okay at the end. Joshua LOVED it!

Both boys enjoyed Aunt Jen's hammock on Friday morning. She has a great yard, shaded by a big tree, and lots of toys. They had fun playing with their cousins and we sang "My God is SO BIG! so STRONG & so MIGHTY, there's nothing my God cannot do..." They enjoyed the hand motions, too. Speaking of songs, lately when I ask Caleb what song he wants me to sing before bed, in addition to his favorite 'God song' (or Step by Step by Rich Mullins) his new pick is "Wonderful." "Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?" So cute as they have favorites. Well, gotta run to take the Bluke & the Bean to Ma-maw's so I can go to a brainstorming session. More later!

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