Monday, June 4, 2007

Tired & Teething

Joshua somehow found his shrieking voice again...we went to lunch with Grandma & Grandpa Ginder & Aunt Erica on Saturday and he couldn't get enough of that high pitch. I think he gets so excited that he's not quite sure how to express it. His little 'happy feet' kick and he starts flapping his arms and shrieking. I'm hoping this is a phase he quickly gets through. He's started doing something even more nauseating to me - GRINDING HIS TEETH!!! It literally sounds like someone is sawing a log. I've tried giving him chew toys, teething rings, and anything else to keep his little mouth occupied to no avail. His other top tooth is visible but has not poked through. His poor gums are swollen where that tooth is just not coming down as quickly as we'd like. Poor guy! I can tell it's really bugging him.
On a happier note, our little Bean's hair is really growing. I can see more thickness to his little fuzzy head, and I love it! He is SO cute! He also is starting to throw toys and then try to pick them back up. We've given him some organic whole grain healthy-for-baby cheerios, tiny pieces of bread, and graham crackers, all of which he does really well with. He sits up completely unassisted and only loses his balance occasionally now. If he's playing and I can't be sitting right with him at that exact moment, I still surround him with pillows just in case. We also put in a DVD of animals, and he actually was interested in it and laughed at the dogs. We don't do too much TV or movies with him yet, though, because I think it's healthier just to play with toys and read books, etc.
Friday afternoon I took mom to pick up her newly inspected car while Jamie's friend Keith visited with him, and after Keith left and Shawn got out of work, the five of us (mom, Jamie, Shawn, Joshua and me) went out to Piero's for dinner. Jamie did great with walking to the table with his new cane, and they now have a handicap sign to park close. That morning I had done several loads of laundry here and cleaned our house like mad since Joshua took an extra long nap. That saved me from having to clean when Shawn was home and allowed us to spend more time together over the weekend. Shawn & I went to yardsales in our development and a neighboring one on Saturday morning with the Bean content to be outside with us in his stroller, but we didn't buy anything. Dad called to say that he found some cool toys for Joshua in Georgia. That afternoon we visited with Grandma & Grandpa Ginder and then went with them to see Aunt Missy in her store. Poor Aunt Missy - Joshua spit up all over her shirt while she was working! I felt SO bad. That evening, we spent time alone as a little family of three.
Sunday I went to church since I was on the worship team, but Shawn stayed home with Joshua since he was feeling sore and Bean was a little fussy. I've been listening to Misty Edwards CDs (from the Kansas City House of Prayer) on prophetic worship to try to catch the new vision of the worship director at our church. I thought Sunday was interesting with worship going well and testimonies as the sermon - the same theme of 2007 being the 7th year, and 7 being God's number of completion kept coming up over and over again. I'll also be 27 tomorrow, so it struck me and I keep pondering exactly what God was saying for our lives.
After church, we met Aunt Erica & Grandma Ginder for lunch (Grandpa Ginder had went home already) and I said something about pigs mooing...they told me I should watch the animal DVD again. Ha ha ha! We went to mom's house last night to pick up Shawn's Volvo he had left there and read the Sunday paper. When we left, Joshua fell asleep in the car, but it started to pour down in buckets and when I got home, I had no choice - I grabbed the diaper bag and Josh and started running inside. Poor little guy woke up to cold rain gushing all over him. Needless to say, he was NOT happy. I was soaked from just the short steps from the driveway to the house. I got a towel to dry the baby off and changed him into pajamas and then did the same for me. (Shawn, in the meantime, made a quick run to Walmart to grab some baby food.)Joshua was up most of the night last night, and both Shawn & I are tired today. Poor Shawn, too, since he was already saying today would be a very busy and rough day at work. Please pray for him! I think Joshua's teeth are really bugging him. Pray for him, too! Since we got up for good so early, I'm going to try three meals of solids in addition to his bottles today. Aunt Erica just called to say she and Aunt Missy are on their way over, so I need to run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful 27th birthday, Valerie!

I might be coming to PA for a visit. I sure hope everything works out.I'm looking forward to seeing you and Shawn and meeting Joshua.