Thursday, June 14, 2007

Reflection 39: Our Marriage Benefits as Much From What You Don't Buy as From What You Do Buy

By Resisting Purchases We Can't Afford, We'll Do Good Things for Both Our Budget and Our Relationship.
Important purchases make our life together secure and comfortable - housing, transportation, investments. Funny though, isn't it, how much we can also benefit by things we don't buy. Many men yearn for expensive toys that can drain a bank account faster than you can say "Maybe we shouldn't..." I appreciate you understanding that money spent impulsively on things that depreciate quickly is irrecoverable. Once it's gone and the garage is full of stuff, there's no replacing it. And there's no avoiding the tagalongs that come with recreational spending: worry, overwork, resentment, quarrels. What a good thing it is for your wife's peace of mind when we steer clear of purchases that will cost us a large amount of misery in exchange for a small amount of pleasure!

'Stay out of debt.' ~Larry Burkett

Let love be your only debt! If you love others, you have done all that the Law demands. Romans 13:8

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