Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Reflection 34: Your Being a Patient Husband Makes You a Dream Husband

Your Patience With My Faults Makes Me Feel Loved, Secure, and Happy.
Those times that I'm running late when you're ready to go, the shopping expeditions where you wind up waiting in a chair while I make multiple trips between the clothes rack and the dressing room, those reality check moments when we're discussing the health of our checkbook - those are the times when your patience makes you as close to perfect as any man can get. I so appreciate your patience. It keeps stress at bay when we're trying to get somewhere. It gives me freedom to take time over my shopping decisions. Most of all, your patience tells me that my needs matter, that I matter. Thank you for fighting off frustration when our differences are driving you crazy, and for remaining calm and considerate. Thanks for being my dream man.

'He who possesses patience possesses himself.' ~Raymond Lull

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2

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