Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ryan's 6-month Well-baby Check

Here's my little Ry-guy a week or so before his six-month birthday, sitting up like a champ! He's wearing a 12-month shirt and 6-9 month pants. He doesn't like to keep his songs on, mostly because he likes to pull them off and chew on them. I think he also enjoys feeling his toes. :) :) :)

Ryan also sleeps face down on his hands. The nursery workers at Study & Share are both nurses (little old ladies who retired, most likely, a long time ago). The one told me that he makes her so nervous the way he was sleeping. She'd try to roll him over and he'd flip right back to the same position. She said she finally left him go - he must be able to breathe if he continues to roll like that onto his hands. He'll wake up with little finger prints on his face. It's pretty amusing, but he seems to like it the best!
Ryan had his 6-month well-baby check-up on Wednesday, December 14, or one week after his actual birthday. We saw Dr. Haught at Roseville Pediatrics, and I wasn't completely impressed with this visit. Ryan's stats are:

Height: 27.5" (81.99%)
Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz (46.53%)
BMI: 16.27
Head Circ: 16.57" (9.37%)

I asked over and over again about the reflux and what Ryan's eating patterns should be, and the doctor never really gave me a good answer. I tried asking the question differently, and he said to monitor his pain level. I asked how to do that with a baby who can't talk and is also getting teeth. His response was that it is hard. YES! So, is there a test we can run? He said they typically allow babies to "outgrow" their dosage of reflux medication between 6 and 9 months, unless they show signs that they need it. What are the signs? Pain. How can I tell if he's in pain from reflux vs. other causes? What is normal for him to be eating? I was told it varies. I still have no idea. But, Ryan's eating patterns have been "off" again, and I have no idea if it's from introducing new foods or because his medication dosage needs increased. While the other doctor had told me at 6 months they often do a barium swallow test (which I remember from Joshua), this doctor didn't say it was necessary, even after I asked. He kept changing the subject to other things, which was driving me crazy.

All in all, he said Ryan looked very healthy. He was gabbing and doing all the happy baby things, etc. He's right on pace for his age. It didn't seem to concern him that while his height remained in the 80th percentile, his weight has dropped to lower than the 50th. I think I may try to schedule another doctor's appointment with a different doctor after Christmas (why risk getting the baby sick there before our special day?). I truly want to make sure that our Schnook isn't suffering, and I just am not sure. He's typically very easygoing but he's seemed more in pain lately. Again, though, how can you be sure of the cause?
After seeing the doctor, Ryan got a slew of vaccines, including the flu vaccine. He got a fairly high fever for two days, so I called to ask the dosage of Tylenol for his age. I couldn't remember and didn't want to give him the wrong amount. They told me 80mg, so I gave him his first dose and he seemed to feel somewhat better. Poor guy! But, he perked right back up after the two days. He's still not eating well, but I'm glad to hear that they think he's right on target with everything. By his next appointment, we may see him crawling, standing or saying some words. We shall see!!!

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