Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happy 6-month birthday, Ryan Josiah!

How can it be that my youngest is already six months old? He is growing so big everyday! This past week, he started sitting up on his own unassisted. We still build a "pillow fort" around him because on occasion as he's going for a toy, he will fall toward it without putting out his hands. But, he is strong! He is the earliest of my boys to sit up on his own. I loved his expression in these first two pictures.
Ryan has two teeth - both on the bottom. The second one came in the Monday after Thanksgiving (11/28). His gums are extraordinarily swollen on the bottom right side where a third tooth is trying to push through. Nothing so far from the top, though!
Ryan is very interested in toys these days - anything that lights up or makes sounds intrigues him. He also loves my Itzbeen where I keep track of sleeping and eating patterns. Silly goose! That's Mommy's toy!
My little Schnook is in 12-month clothing already! I have one pair of 9-month jeans that are fitting him well, but all his shirts are 12-months. I put 12-month jammies on him for the first time last night, and Shawn was shocked to see him in Joshua's PJs. He has gotten SO big! And we remember his big brother wearing these. Such sweet memories. :)
Since the beginning of December, Ryan has started eating solid foods. We've been trying since four months, and he's been highly upset by us even trying. But, he's eaten squash and applesauce so far and enjoyed both. He also took a bottle from Shawn on Tuesday night for the first time in months. I knew he'd be hungry that day, and I'm glad the feeding went okay. Ryan & Daddy are buddies. So long as Daddy keeps walking Ryan around, he's content!
Ryan LOVES the exersaucer. And, Shawn & I joke that every time he's in there, he not only takes a load off but gets a load out (if you get what I'm saying). And due to how he's sitting, it goes up his back and into his armpits. Crazy little baby! He's turned me into the poop smith (a character from Home Star Runner). But, he's always happy when it happens. He loves to play and look around and chew on toys. We dug a bin of baby toys out of the attic, and while some were ready for the trash can (why didn't we do that before storing them, I wonder?), some we were able to clean up, replace the batteries, and let the Schnookie have. He's been enjoying them!
 I'm curious to know what my little man weighs now - I have a doctor's appointment for him next week and I should find out! Look at all those rolls in the picture below. I LOVE baby chubs! Such sweetness!
 Ryan loves the bath tub. He doesn't fuss or cry when we put water on him or wash his hair (not that he has any hair but more peach fuzz). He's such a sweet little thing! He's rarely fussy for me. But, he's also not a big cuddle bug. I rock him at night, but he'd rather be facing out so he can look around. And there's no question that he sees well - THANK YOU GOD! He will grin at us from across the room.
Everything goes into his mouth these days. The photographer gave him a wash cloth, and it went right in! He gnaws to help his teeth and because that's part of his learning at this age - babies use all five senses to learn about the world, and taste is one of those along with touch.
I love to rock Ryan to sleep at night. I don't always get the opportunity, but nights that he falls asleep on me are heaven. So many times during the day, I have to put him down and need my hands free (actually I could even use another hand or two!). But, I know I'll miss this stage when it's passed. I want to soak in times that I can hold him. I love to be able to linger with him.
He smiles at most people and is very friendly. He ADORES his big brothers and laughs at them constantly. They are super sweet to him as well. :) :) :) He doesn't cry when I drop him off at church or his Study & Share room at this point. Overall, I'd say he's generally easygoing. When he's upset, he usually finds his thumb and calms right down. Oh, how I love those thumbs! I'm hoping he outgrows it on his own, but they are priceless for a baby.
Tubby pictures are a favorite of mine at this age. So sweet! So innocent! Chubby little fingers and toes... At this time of the year, I think of Mary & Jesus as a baby. How amazing it must have been to watch a Savior being born and growing. And yet, to hear that her own heart would be pierced; I can't imagine losing any of my children. What a gift of salvation that I must truly be thankful for! And how I want to teach my kids to grow up and give thanks as well! What an honor it is to serve these three boys as their mama! Ryan means "little king" and I hope that he'll always give respect to and live his life for our real King.
Ryan is a talker. He gabs away and I often think I'm hearing "Mama" when he's really upset. It is the cutest sound!
Typically he sleeps through the night, but we've had many nights (like last night) where I think his teeth are bothering him. I rarely feed him overnight, but I did twice last night and he ate. I'm trying to remind myself that these are final precious moments I'll have with him in the middle of the night. I won't be sleepless forever. And I'll miss cuddling with a sleepy little Schnook some day.
This will be Ryan's first Christmas this year. I doubt he'll even remember it, but as I hear songs about "So this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year over, a new one just begun..." I think "You know what I've done? I've given birth and seen another miracle of God bring another little life into our family this year." I think that's quite an accomplishment for one year.
Here's Ry-guy with his stocking. Love those baby toes and hands! And his big blue eyes as he's looking at a toy! One of my favorite facial expressions of his is actually below. It's so him! Those little lips!
My little man has been quite the drool-baby lately, but I know that's a sign of another tooth. He's doing SO well! I'm blessed by him being healthy and happy! He eats well, he sleeps well, he plays well, he's sitting well... he's truly a joy to us. And while babies are a ton of work, they also had a level of precious sweetness to a home that's not really describable with words.
Daddy said the picture above reminded him of George Costanza from Seinfeld in his photo shoot. It cracked me up! By the time our boys are old enough to know who that is, I'm sure they'll be like 'who?' But, the comment was funny to me.
Happy 6-month birthday, Ry-guy! You've come along way from your newborn stage, and I look forward to celebrating each new milestone with you along the way!

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