Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Cookies

I think it was either the Monday or Tuesday before Christmas, I asked Mamaw if she'd like to come over and bake some cookies with the boys and me. I had previously asked her to borrow her Tupperware mat (since I don't have one) to roll out the dough and I also asked her if she had any cookie cutters we could borrow. I only have a couple - a gingerbread man and a frog and maybe one other one??? She brought over the mat and cookie cutters the previous Saturday, and she had gotten a new pack of cookie cutters that were dinosaurs. They were very cute, and the boys LOVED them!
If you haven't heard of Christmas dinosaurs, then you don't have boys. :) :) :)
Mom agreed to come over for a little while that day. I have memories of making sugar cookies when I was a little one on a similar mat. We also made her homemade icing for them, the taste of which also brought back memories.
We used Great Grandma Kennel's rolling pin to roll out the dough. I didn't have a rolling pin either, and when Shawn's parents were cleaning out her apartment near the end of her life, they gave me it. I also thought of her that morning, celebrating her first Christmas in the presence of Jesus.
The boys helped press the cutters down where we placed them on the dough. They took turns using their favorite blue stool that Grandpa Georgia bought them at a yard sale.
We baked the cookies, let them cool and iced them later that day after Mamaw had already left.
The boys helped decorate them then.
Caleb just dumped away with the glitter! He likes to make a Christmas mess! :) :) :) I love his unreserved nature, though.
Here is an attempt at a gingerbread/snowman.
Here are some of the finished cookies. They actually tasted pretty good (and I wasn't so sure going into it!). Later that week, I made a small batch of chocolate chip cookies for Santa. Shawn's favorite is chocolate chip, and he was excited for them. I had to remind him to save a couple for "Santa." Eventually, I stuck a couple in the freezer so we'd have some to put on the plate. It was a good week to bake!

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