Friday, December 16, 2011


One of my favorite gifts from my husband for Christmas a couple years ago was a subscription to Family Fun Magazine. I'm always excited to see it come and look for ideas of activities I can do with the kiddos. Some are a little too 'old' for our ages, but some of them are great!
This particular craft did not turn out as fantastic as others we've done. I was slightly disappointed, but such is life! 
First, the directions say to place plastic wrap over a cardboard piece - done! Then we arranged 18 q-tips in the shape of a snow flake. The next part required gluing the ends together. This was where ours 'fell apart' literally. My glue wasn't working well. I asked Shawn to help open some super glue. The container ended up shattering - glue EVERYWHERE! It was a mess and a half.
So, we did our best to use Elmer's glue. The boys enjoyed pouring the glitter on. But, Caleb dumped a whole pile of glitter on himself.
The glue didn't keep our snowflakes together. Shortly after finishing, we threw them in the trash. But, the boys seemed to enjoy making it (especially Joshua's - whose snowflake turned out the best by far). This craft wasn't a keeper for our family, but maybe other folks have had better luck with it!

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