Friday, December 16, 2011

Little Helpers...

This year, the end of my semester was crazy. Since this is a 'public' blog, I won't go into it here, but I will say that I couldn't wait for it to come to an end. I typically enjoy teaching, but this year I had a couple 'rough' situations. One thing that's great about teaching is that each semester brings a new group of students. So, I'm glad to see this one end and I'm still looking forward to a new one beginning.
With the busyness of December, it took me a little bit to get around to addressing Christmas cards. I had the pictures we took of our family, and I had even gotten the cards printed and picked them up (thanks for your help in shopping, Mamaw!) but I knew that getting them in the mail would take me awhile.
On Sunday, December 4, I met my friend Suzanne for coffee at Barnes & Noble. It was an AMAZING time! I am so thankful for Shawn watching the boys and allowing me to get out. I'm also thankful for my incredible friend who I've been close to since the second grade. Even if we don't see each other for months, we can still pick right back up where we left off. There are very few people in this world that I relate to as well as Suz. :)

She suggested that the boys help me. At first I thought that I didn't want the cards messed up - I needed to address them, and I feared they'd get bent or torn if the boys stuffed them. BUT, I found a way the boys could help me. We played the "stickers" game. Caleb put on our return address labels (aren't they so cute? We found a place online where we got these custom ones free if we payed a small amount for shipping. Love them!).

Joshua put the postage on. I told Joshua that these stickers cost good money, so they weren't going to go anywhere but the cards. I also told him that if he didn't put his stickers on correctly, people wouldn't get their cards. I think he truly understood. Both boys did a great job, I think! So, hopefully everyone got their mail. If you didn't get a Christmas card from us and were expecting one, chances are it was the postman's fault (or we could blame it on the boys...JUST KIDDING!).

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