Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do the Math!

I think every parent probably has a moment in their parenting where they would have done things differently. I have moments like these almost daily, I'm afraid. But, some stick out more than others. This week, that moment came when things 'added up.' Joshua & Caleb have both been into math latey, particularly the Bean. They will ask me how old people are and then what the difference in ages are. Simple enough. "How old is our cousin Daniel?" I'd respond "He's four, or in between you guys." Then Joshua would say "Well, when I'm ten, he'll be nine and Caleb will be eight." Correct! This game has gone on and on, but it keeps getting more complex.

Now they want to know how old Shawn & I will be when they turn certain ages. When I'm 72, how old will Daddy be? So, I'd have to think of how old Shawn was when Joshua was born and then add 72. I'd no more than answer, and he'd come up with a new obscure age. When Caleb is 43, how old will you be, Mommy? The 'game' continued as I was driving early one morning. And after not getting much sleep from my teething little Schnook, the math wasn't coming as easy as most days. (Where is a calculator when you're driving? Haaa!!! Why doesn't my brain function with no caffeine and no sleep???).

Finally, Joshua said "When I'm 99, how old would you be?" My flip answer was "Dead!" Only, I should have thought about how the response would hurt him. Both he and Caleb were in shock. :( :( :( I immediately wished I could have taken it back. Joshua said, "I don't want you to die!" I tried to use it as a teaching moment that when we get old, our bodies wear out and Jesus gives us new bodies in heaven. It wasn't working. "Streets of gold! Face-to-face with God!" didn't seem to help either.

I've answered endless questions about death since. Joshua asked Shawn about it as well. Shawn scolded me, too. :( :( :( Joshua told me that he's not ready to die either. And I told him it's going to be a long time until he's even close to 100 years old. I've learned my lesson - DO THE MATH!

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