Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve!

It was finally time! Santa was soon going to arrive in our household. It was the night before Christmas, and as it was dark and chilly outside, we were all cozy and warm inside. We let the boys each open one gift from us before getting ready for bed. And what do you know, it was pajamas!
Afterward they changed into their PJs and I fed the baby. When we were finished getting into a bed-time gear, Daddy read the Christmas story from Luke 2 in the Bible to us. Then the boys asked to read their book from Mamaw & Papaw, as well as the Frosty book that we made for Daddy (after the one we made for Mamaw & Papaw from Florida turned out so cute). :) :) :)
Then we headed downstairs and let the boys open their stockings from us. I have to give my husband props - he always fills them each year. I got them some Buzz Light Year dental flossers and some bouncing balls that lit up all different colors as they bounced, but Daddy filled them with items like gold fish and special holiday candy cane M&M's and other exciting little things. We had bought them "Cars" erasers together on Black Friday. It was fun to watch them open them.
Little Ryan was a little too small to enjoy any real "treats" but he still has a special stocking Mamaw got him. Notice my PJs on Christmas Eve. They changed Christmas morning after I opened a gift from Florida. :) :) :)
After the boys finished opening their stockings, Shawn & I opened our stockings to one another. They were also filled with special treats like peanut M&M's for Shawn along with a big bottle of Advil, and I had things like my favorite shampoo & conditioner, etc. Then Shawn gave me a tin of popcorn (another tradition) that we let the boys help us snack on as we watched a movie together. We showed the boys our fireplace, where we had lit a big vanilla candle. Daddy let them help him remove everything out of the fireplace to make room for Santa to come in.
Joshua was SO excited he was dancing around. I LOVED his expression in the photo below. We cracked up at his dancing. He is SO silly and fun!
 Before tucking the boys in bed, we put out our special plate from Great Grandma Good and filled it with cookies for Santa and a big glass of milk. Each boy put a special cookie to Santa on the plate. Then we tucked them in. They were so excited they could barely stand it. We were so tired, we could barely stand it! We were waiting for them to nod off before getting busy. :) :) :) It had been a fun day together, and I love spending Christmas Eve as a family doing our traditional things. Thank You, God, for this precious family!

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