Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy 63-month birthday, Joshua!

My Bean is 63-months old, and I thought about all the great attributes of him on his actually 63-month birthday but didn't get a chance to blog about them because we have been doing so much as a family! It's a great and busy time of year! Here is Joshua with his chicken hat on AND a shepherd hat. I would say one big thing we did together this month is talk about Jesus' miracle birth, and I think he truly understands the story (as much as a five-year-old can). He's starting to piece together that this is the same Jesus who died for our sins on the cross. I'm trying to not only tell him Bible stories but also explain how each one relates to the bigger picture. I realize there's only so much he'll understand at his age, but I see him soaking in the details and I'm hoping that we can hide the Word in his heart! Oh, how we all need it as we grow!
Joshua's other thing that has been impressing me lately is how many words he knows to a variety of different songs. He can sing the Frosty song, the jingle bells song, Away in a Manger, and so many others. As songs come on the radio, he will sing them word-for-word!!! It's a bit alarming, though, too, as I realize I really MUST monitor what he listens to. Daddy let them listen to a "Diddy" song that says "I'm coming home, coming home, tell the world I'm coming home... my kingdom awaits, and they've forgiven my mistakes..." It's not a bad song, but Joshua sings it to the Schnook frequently. I don't want to hear Joshua "going home" anytime soon!!!
So far this year, Joshuah as been really healthy. There have been SO many colds and viruses going around the preschool and elsewhere. I keep praying for his safety and health, and so far he's done really well. Please continue to pray for a healthy upcoming year for him!
Daddy had a talk with Joshua about things he's doing really well (like eating his dinner and trying a variety of new things - he's discovered a LOVE for pork!). And he talked with him about milestones we'd like to see him accomplish - wiping himself, not dropping his pants entirely to go potty, staying dry every single night (which he does unless he has juice or chocolate milk before bed; I've found the culprits!), and reading more and more books on his own. Shawn's heart-to-heart certainly made an impression on our little man. He is SO excited for kindergarten and told us he will work on this things AND on listening. Such sweetness in his eyes! Such a tender heart he has. And he's doing SO amazingly well. I couldn't ask for more!
When I look at Joshua, I truly think of how God looks at us. Sure, my Bean makes mistakes everyday (as do we!). But, I love him so much that I'd do anything for him. I ask him to take steps so that he can be the best Joshua he can be because I think he's truly amazing. And I get that he was created in the likeness of Shawn & me, like we're created in God's image. God doesn't like when we screw up (or sin) but He still loves us unconditionally. God talks to us like a Father and asks us to do better. And I think I'm learning that He wants us to be the best us we can possibly be. Being a parent is teaching me so much more about God's heart for me and my family! I am SO thankful that He has trusted us enough to have children. Joshua, we love you and we're so very proud of the little man you are becoming. YOU ARE A GIFT! And one I simply couldn't live without. Happy 63-month birthday, my sweet boy!

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