Saturday, December 24, 2011

First 'Professional' Hair Cut

On Monday, I got my hair done. On Tuesday, Daddy got his wisdom tooth pulled. I was shocked when he walked in the door that afternoon (after all my teasing him about remembering his appointment time!). He literally scared the daylights out of me. But, he was in a TON of pain. The dentist pulled his wisdom tooth, even though he normally sends patients to an oral surgeon to do that. Shawn's had broken, and the broken piece was poking into his cheek and the nerve was exposed. So, since it was the week of Christmas, Dr. Robertson went ahead and pulled it himself. Shawn's entire face was highly swollen, he was SO sore and he was choking (literally) on bloody gauze. He even swallowed some gauze to make matters worse. YUCK!

So, I knew that him cutting the boys hair was out of the question, even though they both desperately needed haircuts. He agreed to me checking out a new kiddo salon in the area that my sister-in-law Gayle told me about. I had heard of them on WJTL as well. I called, and I thought the price they charged for a boy's haircut was fairly expensive. BUT, I wanted them to have their hair cut, and I wanted their first experience at a "barber shop" to be a good one. So, we decided to spend the money and chalk it up to Christmas money.
I called Wednesday morning to see if they could fit us in. She told me she could cut their hair together anytime between 10 and 3. I suggested 1 pm when Ryan would be napping. Shawn had stayed home from work that day because he could barely talk and hadn't eaten anything since his tooth had been pulled. He was miserable - poor guy! Shawn agreed to let the baby stay behind as he continued to work from home, and I took the boys to get their hair cut. Joshua's hairdresser was ready for us when we got there. He chose the motorcycle to sit on, which is "JUST LIKE PAPAW'S!" It was a Harley Davidson, and he was thrilled to be on it! She also put a DVD on for him to watch.
Caleb's hairdresser had a little boy in the Thomas seat when we arrived, but soon enough it was his turn. He liked being in the train while he got his hair cut. I thought it was smart that they had steering wheels to keep the kids' hands occupied. The DVD players also kept their attention focused straight ahead so the hairdressers could do their job. I told Shawn how AMAZING the kids sat! It was unbelievable to me. I loved Caleb's expression in the photo below - he wasn't thrilled to be having her messing with his hair as he was watching Toy Story, but he put up with it. And that's all that mattered!
The best part by FAR for me was that I didn't have to clean up all the hair mess after the haircuts were done. I literally spent the entire day on Monday cleaning my house (Merry Christmas to me!), and the thought of having to scrub little tufts of hair from ALL over the bathroom wasn't exciting to me. It was SO nice to have no clean-up to do when the cuts were finished.
The front of Caleb's hair is relatively crooked, which you can see in the picture below. I didn't notice it there, but Shawn commented when I got home. The right side of his hair is a lot shorter than the left side in the front. ??? But the back and around the ears are cleaned up nicely, and that's important to me. :)
I ran into another preschool mom there while the boys were getting their cuts. I also couldn't believe how well a little girl in the pink car in between the boys did. She had been there over an hour as her hairdresser would answer the phone, showed someone around, seemed to take a break or something... the girl was so patient and so still, and so was her mom or grandma that had brought her. I would have FLIPPED out, but they just waited, even though I could tell the older one was starting to get agitated as she told us it had been an hour. YIKES! My kids would not sit so nice for so long.
I wasn't sure about Joshua's hair as he was getting it cut, but it turned out great! Shawn said over and over and over again how nice it looked. He couldn't get over how cute the little spike in the front was. His comment was "Oh, he's so lucky to have my good looks and your personality." I said "WHAT!?!?" I've teased him incessantly about calling me ugly with his good looks and I'm "miss personality." Shawn said he didn't mean that, but I couldn't help but give him a hard time.
The salon was Gee Gee's in Lititz. If anyone reading this would like more info, they gave me a coupon to give any new referrals I send. I thought it was expensive, but the haircuts turned out nice and they were done before Christmas. I like how nice the back and ears look on both boys. Shawn got his hair cut on Thursday, so we all had fresh hair for Christmas, except for Ryan who still only has peach fuzz on his little head. :) :) :)

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