Wednesday, December 21, 2011

An Idea That Came In Handy

At preschool this year, I saw a craft hanging on the walls that looked like fun to try at home. Since neither of my boys' classes had done them, I got out our supplies to give it a go!
I used the paper that Mamaw & Papaw had given us from packing up Great Grandma Kennel's apartment. Then I took out our green washable paint and a sponge brush to paint the kiddos hands.
Joshua always laughs when I paint his hands because it tickles. :) :) :) After we made the tree shape, we let them dry and came back another day to finish them.

Here were the start to our trees. Caleb's is on the left and Joshua's is on the right.

Then, I asked Joshua to cut a star shape out of the yellow construction paper. Caleb helped me cut out the brown squares for the tree stumps. Thanks to Mamaw for our left-handed scissors for the Bean!
Once we glued on the stars and stumps, the boys decorated their trees with different craft pom-poms and glitter.
Then I asked them both to sign their names to their trees. The paint dried a lot lighter than I was expecting, but the craft was fun in general.
I thought they both did a great job!
Then I asked to get some pictures of their final trees as they were drying.
When they were dry, I shook off the excess glitter and hung them in our family room. :) :) :) Homemade Christmas decorations are the best. I wish there was a way to preserve them, but I guess that's part of the blog (and printed book that I make out of it). I cherish these moments and hope that we're making good memories for the kiddos. I am enjoying my time with them!

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