Friday, September 24, 2010

Clay Creatures

One of Joshua's birthday gifts was a 'craft' of 'Clay Creatures.' He calls them crazy creatures. After playing outside, going for walks, etc, we got these little guys out late Monday afternoon while the casserole I was making for supper was in the oven. 
Here were the two creatures that the boys chose to work on, and their instructions above. Joshua wanted "Franky Fish" and Caleb chose the yellow "Giant Giraffe." The clay came in little wrapped packages with a knife, which you can see below.
And here are some pictures of the finished products. In the meantime, I'll write a little bit about the rest of our week, or at least what I remember about it. I forgot to post on Joshua's 4-year progress update one of my favorite expressions he's been saying lately "WHY, OF COURSE!" If I ask him if he'd like me to read him a book, if he'd like to play outside, or if he'd like to be my helper, this little expression comes out in the most exuberant little pleasant voice that makes me grin from ear-to-ear. Love it!
Sunday was a fairly good day overall. I was on the worship team at church, and that evening we met some new friends, which I'll post about another time. Monday morning, Mamaw came to our house and watched the boys (thanks so much!) so I could go to the doctor's office. I had finally had enough of the poison ivy - I was beginning to feel like a leper as more and more spots kept appearing. The doctor was extremely gracious and gave me a shot of steroids right in the office, along with pills that they filled their to take home with me. It is finally starting to clear up - praise God!
Tuesday morning, I went to Calvary's Study 'n Share, and I enjoyed it. The women in charge said that they prayed over the groups and put us in ones that they felt were the right ones. I had also prayed and really felt the same about the group I got. I'm highly impressed with my discussion group leader, and there was a really sweet gal that I sat next to. I also thought the topic was interesting on Tuesday, even though the workbook has left a little to be desired, in my opinion. Caleb was so excited that he gets to stay at 'class' at preschool! He told me the entire rest of the day that he went to preschool that morning. :) :) :)
Tuesday afternoon, I took the boys for a jog in the stroller to the park and back. I have a new respect for women who run with their kids on a regular basis! Pushing 30 pounds x 2 (plus whatever the stroller weighs, which I'm going to guess is roughly another 30 if it's close to our other ones), was way more difficult than my normal run! When we got back, the boys played at the playground for awhile until Daddy got home from work. Then we went to the new Manheim Township library as a family after dinner to check it out and check out some books.
Wednesday morning, Aunt Jen called to see if Caleb & I would like to come play outside while the Bean was at school. It was an absolutely beautiful day! I did some laundry & packing first for our trip to Florida, and then we headed over for awhile. When we left there, we went to the preschool to watch Joshua play at soccer shots. It was HOT! But FUN! Love watching the Bean enjoy something new! Wednesday was fairly productive in that we got most everything packed and ready for our trip. Today we met Mamaw for lunch at the Olive Garden after school (thanks, Mom!) and she saw Joshua in action with his new tracing books. He LOVES them! I had school this evening, and Joshua kept telling me that he didn't want me to leave. ??? But, it was an exam night so it went fairly quickly and then I was back to get the kids to bed. We leave this morning no later than 5 am to catch our flight - please pray that everything goes well! This is the first time we'll have four ticketed passengers since Caleb just turned two, and we only have one DVD player (typically seats are three together). We also have just the inkling of our colds left, and I'm feeling pretty stuffy today. Pray that all goes well, we're all safe, the boys enjoy their time, and we as parents have some quality time together to relax and enjoy being married! More to come as we have time... which may not be until we get back next week!

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